New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

09/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 12:30

Ontario and Wayne Counties - NYSEG Line 543 Transmission Line Deficiency Mitigation Project

Notice of Complete Application


18 Link Dr


NYSEG Line 543 Transmission Line Deficiency Mitigation Project
NYSEG Line 543 ROW|Several project locations north and south of the Erie Canal.

Application ID:


Permit(s) Applied for:

Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands

Project is Located:


Project Description:

The applicant proposes to impact state and federally regulated wetlands to complete an in-kind and in-place replacement of twelve (12) utility pole structures along the existing NYSEG Electric Transmission Line 543 located in the Town of Arcadia, Wayne County, and the Town of Phelps, Ontario County. The proposed project will involve 0.238 acres of temporary disturbance to NYSDEC Freshwater Wetland NE-36, a Class 1 wetland, and 0.597 acres of temporary disturbance to the regulated adjacent area, associated with the installation of timber matting and the use of low ground pressure equipment. All disturbed areas will be returned to pre-construction conditions upon completion.

Availability of Application Documents:

Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:

Project is not subject to SEQR because it is a Type II action.

SEQR Lead Agency: None Designated

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:

A cultural resources survey has been completed and cultural resources were identified. Based on information provided in the survey report, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has determined that the proposed activity will have no adverse impact on registered or eligible archaeological sites or historic structures. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required.

Coastal Management:

This project is not located in a Coastal Management area and is not subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29)

It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.

Opportunity for Public Comment:

Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than Sep 26, 2024.

Primary Contact

NYSDEC Headquarters
625 Broadway
Albany, NY12233

Phone:(518) 402-9167
This Page Covers
Region 8 Western Finger Lakes