Jack Bergman

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 11:07

Bergman-Backed Bill Protects Infertility Treatments

This week, Representative Jack Bergman cosponsored H.R. 8821, the Helping to Optimize Patients' Experience (HOPE) with Fertility Services Act, a bipartisan bill which would expand private insurance coverage for infertility treatment.

The commonsense bipartisan legislation would ensure that infertility would be covered by insurance like any disease, so that families who struggle to have children would not also have to struggle financially to afford IVF treatments.

"Every child is a gift from God and every woman struggling with infertility should have affordable access to treatments. As a father and grandfather of ten, I place a high value on that gift of life. I'm proud to cosponsor this legislation which comes with broad bipartisan support, because the family is the strongest unit in our country and I will continue to do everything I can to support them," Rep. Bergman stated.

The HOPE with Fertility Services Act provides that people who struggle with infertility can have access to infertility treatments, including IVF, if:

1) They are diagnosed with infertility;

2) Or they have "unexplained infertility" - which means they've tried unsuccessfully to have children for at least 12 months or more;

3) Or they have iatrogenic infertility or anticipated infertility due to a course of treatment for another ailment such as undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

Read the full text of the bill here.