Delegation of the European Union to Syria

26/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 26/07/2024 10:09

EU ASEAN: Speech by High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell at the Ministerial Meeting in Lao PDR

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Good morning, good morning to all of you.

Dear friends and colleagues, thank you Minister [Enrique Manalo, Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Philippines]. Dear Enrique, dear friends, let me start by thanking our Laotian hosts for [gathering] us here in Vientiane.

[It is a] great pleasure to be here, as it was a great pleasure to see many of you at the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Brussels last February.

My colleagues, [the] Ministers, came home with a clear picture of how important our Strategic Partnership is, between the European Union and ASEAN, in terms of trade - but not only trade - security and environment.

The European Union believes in the unifying power of regional integration. We are a clear example of that. It seems a paradox, but giving up sovereignty in some fields allows small countries to have a more influential role in the world - much more than they could have otherwise.

I recognise these dynamics in ASEAN. We can see how we both want strategic autonomy in a competitive world. Yes, these are the two key words: autonomy in a competitive world.

That is why we are keen to work closer with ASEAN, as we both defend what underpins our two organisations: multilateralism and international law. The basic principles of international law and the United Nations Charter are at stake in Ukraine and other parts of the world too.

But understand me: the Ukrainian struggle is existential for us. I am aware that the Russian aggression against Ukraine may seem far away from ASEAN, but its consequences, - be it in inflation, or the increase in food and oil prices - are also felt by our populations. Even if Russia works hard to spread disinformation.

We are doing all we can in the European Union to support Ukraine's efforts to maintain its territorial integrity and condemn the acts of violence inflicted by Russian forces on the civilian population. I will explain more on this tomorrow at the ASEAN Regional Forum.

Turning back to ASEAN and the European Union, our leaders, at the Commemorative Summit at 2022, and on the Joint Statement that we, as Ministers, agreed in February this year, we clearly recognised the "common strategic interest of holding regular leaders-level engagement".

We had elections in the European Union last June. Following these elections, the Heads of State and [Heads of] Government of the European Union have nominated current President of the Commission Ms. [Ursula] von der Leyen for another five-year terms, and Antonio Costa, the former Prime Minister of Portugal, as the next President of the European Council.

Therefore, I invite you to consider the organisation of a Summit with the new European Union leadership - the presidents of both institutions - in 2025, and the next Commemorative Summit in 2027.

The Joint Statement at our Ministerial recognises the shared fundamental principles of our two respective Indo-Pacific strategies. We could, therefore, aim for a Joint EU-ASEAN statement on the Indo-Pacific, as a deliverable at such a High-Level meeting.

No matter who leads the European Union, no matter who will be in the driving seats, be sure that the European Union wants relations with ASEAN to be front and centre of our foreign policy.

In the medium term, I believe that our substantial collaboration in trade, in investment and security, should also warrant an elevation of our partnership status to a "Comprehensive [and] Strategic Partner."

I am sure this discussion today will be very useful for this purpose.

And now I [give] the floor back to my co-chair.