GoodRx Holdings Inc.

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 14:51

12 Super Healthy and Nutritious Fruits With Proven Benefits

Key takeaways:

  • Fruits are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins, which are good for your body and overall health. They're naturally low in salt, fat, and added sugar.
  • While all fruits are good for you, some have strong scientific evidence of specific and advanced health benefits. Examples range from lemons, blueberries, and apples to oranges, raspberries, pomegranates, and grapefruit.
  • You can get the health benefits from fruit in a variety of forms - fresh, frozen, canned, or freeze-dried. Even 100% fruit juice still offers some health benefits.

Table of contents













Is all fruit healthy?

What makes a fruit healthy?

Fruits for weight loss

Fruits for diabetes

Fruit forms and nutrients


Bottom line


Eva-Katalin/E+via Getty Image Most people know that eating fruit is an important part of a balanced diet. But sometimes, fruit gets a bad rap - especially with diets that emphasize low sugar intake. You may have heard that the sugar in fruit makes it a less healthful option.

Keep in mind that the "best" fruit is usually the one you enjoy eating and that fits your individual health goals. We'll explore how the natural sugars in fruit are different from artificial sugars and how to get themaximum benefit from the fruitsyou eat.

Here are the top 12 fruits that stand up to the rigors of scientific studies.


  • Is dried fruit good for you?Yes, in moderation. A dietitian shares thehealth benefits of dried fruitand what to keep in mind.
  • Looking for a high-fiber fruit?Fiber is a key part of what makes fruit a staple in a balanced diet. Thesefruits are packed with fiber.
  • What is fruit sugar?Lots of ultra-processed foods have added sugar. Learn how this is different from thesugar in fruit.

1. Lemons

Turning lemons into lemonade can do more than just boost your spirits. In a2014 studyon the most nutrient-dense fruit, lemons came out as the top citrus fruit.

Lemons (or lemon juice) have been found to help:

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Keep in mind:To get the full benefits of lemons, be sure to keep the pulp in the juice. There are lots of ways to use both lemon juice and its pulp, including smoothies, lemon scones, and lemon-based salad dressings.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries contain anthocyanins, the special pigments that give them their rich color. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies show thatblueberries reduce the riskof:

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure

Onesmall studyfound that blueberries reduce depression symptoms in adolescents and young adults. Butmore researchis needed in this area. Blueberries may also help protect your brain from the effects of aging and improve brain function.

3. Apples

It turns out that an apple a day really can help keep the doctor away. Apples are another "super fruit" with wide-ranginghealth benefits. These include a protective effect against cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and asthma.

There are lots of apple varieties, so it's hard to say if there's a "healthiest" apple. That said,one studyfound that Fuji and Red Delicious apples had particularly high amounts ofphytochemicalswith antioxidant properties.

4. Oranges

One largeorange provides the recommended daily amount ofvitamin C. But that's not all. Citrus fruits like oranges also contain flavanones. These can helpimprove cognitive performanceandkeep your heart healthy.

5. Cherries

Like blueberries, cherries containanthocyanins. Studies show their antioxidant powers have health benefits. Tart cherries, in particular, have also been linked to:

6. Pomegranates

Pomegranate seeds are tiny, but they pack a big punch. Studies show thatpomegranatescan reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, among other benefits. Pomegranates are also rich inpolyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

While animal studies have shown that pomegranate juicecan help treat chronic inflammatory diseaseslike inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), more studies are needed to fully understand its potential health benefits for humans.

7. Grapefruits

Grapefruit is a powerhouse fruit with a low glycemic index and low calories. It's also packed withfuranocoumarins- compounds that fight cancer and promote bone health.

8. Tomatoes

Yes, tomatoes are a fruit and a delicious addition to a burger or part of your favorite spaghetti sauce. In the above-mentioned2014 study, they beat out lemons in nutrient-density quality.

Tomatoes providemultiple health benefitsdue to their phytochemicals and nutrients, like potassium, folate, and vitamin C. Tomatoes also have lots oflycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red color.

Lycopene is also a powerful antioxidant, and experts think it provides many of the tomato's health benefits. Some of these benefits include:

9. Avocado

Avocados are rich inmonounsaturated fats, like oleic acid. They're also a good source of fiber and potassium. Avocados providemany health benefits, including improving cholesterol, gut health, and brain function.

There are lots of easy and fun ways to use avocado, including guacamole. Add some tomato, and you have a tasty and nutrient-dense snack.

10. Strawberries

Strawberries are a nice topping for lots of different foods. They have good nutrient density, high fiber, and low sugar content. Like blueberries, they contain the plant chemical anthocyanin, with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

One studylooked at people born female who ate more than three servings of strawberries and blueberries each week. The study followed these people over 18 years and found they had a lower incidence of heart attacks.

Strawberries also appear to havecancer-fightingproperties. And one study found their anti-inflammatory effectsimproved arthritis painin people with a BMI over 30.

11. Pineapple

Pineappleis a tropical fruit favorite, rich in:

Pineapple also containsbromelain, a protein that helps break down foods.

Asmall studyin the Philippines found that kids who consumed more canned pineapple had fewer illnesses.

In one study, bromelin-based gels helped withburn care. Oral bromelain also seemed to help with pain management and swellingafter oral surgery.

12. Watermelon

As its name states, watermelon is a good source of water. Snacking on watermelon is a great way to stay hydrated and refreshed when the temperatures rise.

Watermelon is also agood sourceof vitamin A, vitamin C, and other antioxidants. Like tomatoes, it's rich in lycopene. It also has the amino acidcitrulline.

One study found that watermelon improveschemical markersassociated with atherosclerosis. Another study showed itimproved blood pressureand reduced body weight in people who are considered overweight and obese. Research also revealswatermelon extractshaveanti-cancerproperties.

Is all fruit healthy?

Yes. Studies show that fruit has awide variety of health benefits- from reducing the risk of heart disease to helping with weight management.

Some of the things that make fruits good for you include:

  • Low salt content
  • No harmful fats or added sugar
  • High fiber content
  • Prebioticsand essential nutrients your body needs
  • Vitamins such as vitamin C,potassium, andfolate
  • Phytochemicals, or naturally occurring compounds in plants that often have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Experts agree, too. The FDAupdated its definition of "healthy"and focused on nutrient-rich foods. Under their definition, all whole fruits qualify as healthy.

Is the sugar in fruit good for you? Thesugar in fruitisn't unhealthy like added sugars. Fruits contain natural sugar in the form of fructose and/or glucose. These natural sugars are different from the artificial sugars added to processed foods.

Natural sugars don't cause your blood sugar to spike as rapidly as artificial sugars. Fruits also contain fiber, which slows digestion and helps your body process the sugar in a healthy way.

What makes certain fruits 'healthier' than others?

Even though all fruits are good for you, some may have more health benefits than others. Depending on your specific health goals, there are many ways to look at what makes a fruit "healthy."

Here are some ways to define the healthiest fruits:

  • Nutrient density:This refers to how many nutrients (especially vitamins and minerals) a fruit contains. Citrus fruits, for example, are especiallyrich in vitamin C.
  • Glycemic index:This measures how quickly a food increases your blood sugar. This is most relevant for people with diabetes or those with a higher risk of diabetes who may want to reach forfruits with a low-glycemic index.
  • Calories:While fruits are generally a low-calorie food, some have more calories than others. This might be helpful to consider for people trying to lose or gain weight.
  • Specific nutrients:Researchers are learning more and more about the unique nutrients in different fruits - such as anthocyanins in blueberries - and how those nutrients provide specific health benefits.

Which fruits are best for weight loss?

Some people focused on weight loss prefer to eat fruit that helps them feel full while reducing calorie intake. Examples oflow-calorie fruitsinclude:

  • Cantaloupe
  • Peaches
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Grapefruit

Which fruits are best for people with diabetes?

People with diabetes may benefit from fruits that are lowest on the glycemic index. These include:

  • Blackberries
  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries

Should I avoid certain fruit if I'm taking medication? If you're taking medication, you should ask your healthcare team about possible interactions with food. In particular, grapefruit (and grapefruit juice) is known tointeract with multiple types of medications.

How does nutritional value change between forms of fruit?

Many people think fresh is best. But there are a lot of ways to get the health benefits from fruit:

  • Frozen fruithas all the same benefits as fresh fruit. In some cases, itmay even preserve nutrients betterthan fresh fruit.
  • Canned and preserved fruitalso has the same nutritional value. Just be sure to avoid products withadded sugar.
  • Freeze-dried fruitloses some of the water-soluble nutrients. But it keeps about90% of its nutrients.
  • Dried (dehydrated) fruitalsokeeps most of its nutrients. But watch out for added sugar - especially in fruits like cranberries, mangos, and pineapples.
  • Fruit juiceis often missing fiber, so you'll be missing out on those digestive benefits. Stick with100% fruit juiceto get a good amount of nutrition. That said, too much juice - even without added sugar - can still cause bigger spikes in your blood sugar.

Frequently asked questions

What is the least healthy fruit?expand_more No fruits are unhealthy. But people with certain health conditions or medications may need to watch their fruit intake. As we noted above, people with diabetes should eat fruits with a lower glycemic index. And people should avoid grapefruit or its juice when they take certain medications.

Which fruits have the most fiber?expand_more

  • Is organic or non-GMO fruit better for you?expand_more
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    " data-qa="ContentCalloutH2Title" The bottom line
  • Researchers are still uncovering all of the ways that fruit can benefit your health. From cancer prevention to heart health, studies show that fruits have a wide range of nutrients and health benefits. Since you can get the same health benefits from fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruit, it's easier than ever to find ways to enjoy those sweet bursts of healthy flavor.