Napa County, CA

09/13/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2024 15:52

Napa County & Napa Firewise Complete Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project on Sanitarium Rd in Deer Park

Napa County, CA - Napa County and Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (NCFF) have successfully completed a crucial hazardous fuel reduction project on Sanitarium Road in Deer Park. This project significantly enhances evacuation routes, improves year-round access to St. Helena Hospital, and establishes a vital fuel break in a historically fire-prone and populated area.

In 2023, Napa County invested significantly in treating county roads to improve evacuations routes and access for hundreds of residents across 200 miles of Napa County. Each project was prioritized through a partnership between Napa County, NCFF, and Napa County Fire/CAL FIRE, based on factors such as resident population, historical fire activity, and project impact. The Sanitarium Road project is a prime example of Napa County's ongoing commitment to wildfire resilience and public safety.

The Sanitarium Road project involved reducing hazardous fuels up to 110 feet from the road's centerline, creating a crucial buffer zone designed to slow or stop the spread of wildfires. This work is particularly impactful for residents of Deer Park and Angwin, who depend on Sanitarium Road as their primary evacuation route. Additionally, the project benefits first responders and patients requiring emergency transport to St. Helena Hospital, as well as the many residents and visitors using the hospital for routine medical needs.

"We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Napa County and Napa Firewise for their leadership and support in the recent roadside work on Sanitarium Road," said Dr. Steven Herber, President of St. Helena Hospital, expressing gratitude for the completed work. "This project, fully funded by the County and expertly managed by Napa Firewise, has significantly improved safety by addressing critical hazards and ensuring reliable, year-round access to both our hospital and the Deer Park community.

"From identifying the need to coordinating efforts with our forester and vendors, Napa Firewise played a pivotal role in making this project a success. In collaboration with the County and Napa County Fire/CAL FIRE, Sanitarium Road was prioritized as a crucial evacuation route and fuel break, reinforcing safety for all, and for that - we are thankful for this partnership."

Napa County's long-term vision for wildfire resilience, combined with ongoing community engagement and action, is paving the way for a safer and more prepared future. Through collaborative efforts and sustained investment, Napa County is taking significant strides toward reducing the impact of wildfires and safeguarding its communities.

"Projects like the one on Sanitarium Road are essential to our mission of enhancing fire safety across Napa County," said Napa County Fire Administrator David Shew. "By reducing hazardous fuels and strengthening evacuation routes, we are not only protecting our communities today but also laying the groundwork for a more resilient future. Napa County is proud to partner with Napa Firewise, CAL FIRE, and local residents to ensure that our county is better prepared to face the increasing threat of wildfires."

For more information on wildfire mitigation projects happening or completed around Napa County, visit Napa Firewise's project dashboard at Residents can use the dashboard to filter projects by funding source treatment type, and year.