Jon Tester

09/27/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Tester Resolution to Honor Deployed Servicemembers and their Families Passes Senate with Unanimous Support

Bipartisan resolution designates October 26th as National Day of the Deployed in honor of deployed servicemembers across the globe and their families

The U.S. Senate passed U.S. Senator Jon Tester's bipartisan resolution marking October 26th as National Day of the Deployed in honor of the deployed members of the U.S. armed forces and their families. The resolution received unanimous bipartisan support.

"Montanans have a long and proud history of serving our country, and our nation is eternally grateful for the service and sacrifice of our actively deployed servicemembers and their families," said Tester. "These men and women make our country the greatest in the world, and designating October 26th as National Day of the Deployed helps us honor these servicemembers fighting for freedoms every day across the globe. As Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, I'll always make sure we honor our troops by providing them the resources they need to keep us all safe."

National Day of the Deployed honors servicemembers who are deployed across the world in service of our country. The day also acknowledges the sacrifices that military families make during their loved one's deployment.

Tester introduced this resolution alongside Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.). The U.S. Senate has recognized October 26th as the National Day of the Deployed each year since 2011. Tester has been an original cosponsor of the resolution every year since 2016.

Read the Senators' full resolution HERE.