Marcy Kaptur

07/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/23/2024 15:19

Kaptur Invites Lourdes University President Bisset To Attend Netanyahu Joint Address To CongressPress Release

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) released the following statement announcing her invitation of Dr. William Bisset, President of Lourdes University located in Sylvania, Ohio as her guest for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Joint Address to Congress on Wednesday, July 24, 2024:

"It is my privilege to invite Dr. William Bisset, President of Lourdes University located in Sylvania, Ohio as my guest to the US Capitol to witness the address of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday. Dr. Bisset was recently acknowledged in the Toledo Blade for his leadership in conducting an open dialogue regarding the road to peace in this war. Lourdes University was founded by the Sisters of St. Francis in 1958. Franciscans heroically dedicate their ministry to Peace and Justice at home and abroad, including in the war torn region of Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank where the Order manages the historic Welcome Center across from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the West Bank where Jesus was laid to rest. This costly Israel/Hamas war rages in the latest conflict that began on October 7, 2023 with Hamas' invasion of Israel.

"Please allow me to acknowledge the leadership of Dr. Bisset in recently hosting a campus dialogue to explore the historic origins of this latest conflict and the complexity of diplomatic solutions to end the bloodshed. Lourdes took the subject matter head on, unlike many other universities across our nation which either avoided the topic or embraced stand off. For his leadership in building public understanding the Toledo Blade recognized his unique leadership in arranging a forum to allow all voices to be heard to explore means for settling this tragic, costly war. As the Blade commented: '. . . that's exactly what the president of Lourdes wanted to facilitate - some more complicated thoughts on the subject.'

"A key stumbling block appears to have been negotiated this week in China, with an agreement brokered between Fatah and Hamas to allow the Palestinian people to have a unified bargaining position. I found the quote from this past Sunday's religious services anticipation of the Prime Minister's visit the quote from Ephesians particular apropos and hopeful: 'For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace.'"

Since the start of the conflict in Gaza, Congresswoman Kaptur has remained actively engaged in urging an aggressive diplomatic path forward to address the ongoing conflict and work toward a negotiated two-state solution. On October 8th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementcondemning the Hamas terror attacks. On November 3rd, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementfollowing a meeting with Egyptian Ambassador Zahran calling for a humanitarian pause so aid could be delivered and those seeking safety could reach it. On November 16th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementfollowing a dialogue with Jordanian Ambassador Kawar in diplomatic efforts to secure a durable peace. On December 13th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementfollowing a meeting with Lebanese Charge D'Affaires Hachem. On December 15th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementfollowing a meeting with Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal Pierre. On January 19th, Congresswoman Kaptur urged the State Departmentto affirm US opposition to forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza. On January 31st, Congresswoman Kaptur published an opinion articlein the Toledo Blade. On March 28th, Congresswoman Kaptur reaffirmed her supportfor a two-state solution. On April 4th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementfollowing a call between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden. On May 6th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statementon the ongoing developments in Gaza. On June 3rd, Congresswoman Kaptur affirmed her supportfor a two-state solution, and applauded the peace plan for Israel and Gaza. On June 11th, Congresswoman Kapturapplaudedthe UN Security Council's vote for the US Peace Plan.

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