Oracle Corporation

28/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 28/06/2024 11:11

Engineering happiness: Khalid’s GenO story

Engineers work hard to create the systems and structures we rely on every day, but that doesn't mean they have to stay behind the scenes. In fact, human connection drives innovation. That's why Khalid Aldosari decided to make the most of his engineering expertise with the Generation Oracle program. Read about his GenO experience-and how he's making a hands-on impact with our Customer Success Services (CSS) team.
New material
Khalid came to the GenO program with a strong technical background, including an electrical engineering degree from Purdue University. After graduating, he grew his experience with prominent machinery and vehicle manufacturing companies in the United States, working in both research and development and electronic test engineering.
Khalid in Chicago
Khalid in Chicago
When it came time to consider his next career step, however, Khalid was eager to leave his comfort zone.
"One of my goals was to learn new material and not be stuck with what I know. Especially not related to my major."
That's when he turned to the GenO program, which gave him the opportunity to join our CSS team in Saudi Arabia.
"I was confused at first," he remembers. "I had no idea how SaaS works or even what SaaS is, but it was easy to follow once I started. I learned about Oracle products and what we are offering customers to make their life easier. Also, I learned the SQL coding language, which I am using now to solve customer problems."
Customer impact
Recognizing his strengths and potential, Khalid's manager soon opened the door for him to take on greater responsibility and make a direct impact on customers.
"Four months after starting, my manager told me to focus on handling customer projects. That's where most of my learning was."
He admits that the increased independence was initially nerve-wracking, but Oracle's help center and dashboards served as valuable resources to help him get his bearings. Before long, he'd worked closely with large-scale businesses across the Middle East-and established himself as someone they could count on.
"All the projects are exciting to me because I am learning new stuff in each one I handle," he expresses. "One thing learned is making the customer talk more than myself, trying to acknowledge what they are saying, and analyzing what they said."
Khalid explains that communication was one of his primary areas for growth when he started the program. However, each customer project with CSS has challenged him to grow his skills by understanding customer needs, building trust, and tailoring the support experience-and he's proud of how far he's come.
Though his current work is more people-focused than anything he's done prior, he still finds countless opportunities to apply his engineering background.
"It helps me acknowledge that there is always a way to solve a problem, no matter what. There is always a new challenge to think out of the box to solve a customer problem or develop what they ask for."
Extra mile
His favorite part about working directly with customers is seeing the positive impact he has.
"I like it when you get back to them and they are happy about what I did or how I solved the problem they have," he says.
He points to a time when he helped a customer in Saudi Arabia who'd reported a problem. In order to ensure happiness and success, Khalid created two solutions and offered a choice. The extra effort not only resolved the issue but also strengthened the business relationship.
Though there are many goals he is still striving to achieve, Khalid's time at Oracle so far has opened his mind to the difference he can make with his skill set and passion for growth.
"I am working with one of the biggest companies in the world and making progress with my learning plan. Working here is a dream."