City of Wheaton, IL

12/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 14:14

City Passes Budget with No Property Tax Levy Increase for Sixth Consecutive Year

At its Dec. 16, 2024 meeting, the Wheaton City Council approved the 2025 annual budget, through which the City will continue providing the same high level of services and programs to the Wheaton community without raising the property tax levy for the sixth consecutive year. The annual budget includes no new taxes and prioritizes infrastructure improvements to Wheaton's roads, sewers and water system infrastructure.

The City will invest $31 million in capital improvements in 2025, representing 23.4% of all spending as the City continues its commitment to maintaining high-quality infrastructure. This includes completing the Gary Avenue Reconstruction Project, adding $1.8 million in new sidewalks, replacing approximately 120 water service lines made from lead, and completing several stormwater improvement projects.

Approximately 11.8% of a resident's property tax bill goes to the City, funding services and infrastructure that contribute to the life safety and quality of life in Wheaton. This includes everything from road maintenance and police services to fire protection, code enforcement, snow removal, and the staff that support the daily operations of the City. Because the property tax levy will not increase with the 2025 budget, the typical property owner could see a slight decrease of approximately $2 to $4 in the City's portion of their 2024 property tax bill.

"City staff and the City Council are continually working to find ways to operate efficiently and provide the high level of services the community expects without raising the City's portion of your property tax bill," said City Manager Michael Dzugan. "It's a challenging task, especially amid rising costs, inflation, and the numerous competing priorities that the City balances, but we are dedicated to sustaining our outstanding community."

City staff develops the annual budget using the City's Strategic Plan as a long-range framework guiding decision-making. The City made the draft budget available to the public on Nov. 1, and the City Council reviewed the proposed budget at a Budget Workshop on Nov. 11 and a public hearing on Dec. 9.

Wheaton is one of only 21 municipalities in Illinois and 461 nationwide to achieve the "AAA" rating from Standard and Poor's Global Ratings. This highest credit rating reflects the City's very strong economy, financial policies and practices, and budgetary performance.

You can find the City's budget, along with related long-range planning tools such as the Capital Improvement Plan and other financial reports, on the City's website.