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EDGAR XBRL Validation Warnings


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EDGAR XBRL Validation Warnings

June 21, 2024
Message ID Number Message Subsection
EFM.FT.0.0.0.usrSty42 10000030 ft-{tag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for {tag}. The EX-FILING FEES exhibit is missing fee data - please include the required narrative disclosure specifying, with respect to a shelf takedown, the maximum aggregate amount or maximum aggregate offering price for the takedown, and/or include fee data in the tables. If not corrected, the submission may require subsequent amendment. 0.0.0
EFM.FT.1.1.1.rqdFileNb 11010113 ft-RegnFileNb-Missing-Amending-Filing: for amending submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for RegnFileNb. 1.1.1
EFM.FT.1.2.1.r424iFileNb 11020153 ft-RegnFileNb-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, RegnFileNb {value} should be equal to {expectedValue}. 1.2.1
EFM.FT.1.2.1.r424iRqdFlds 11020162 ft-RegnFileNb-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} RegnFileNb. 1.2.1
EFM.FT.1.2.10.r424iRqdFlds 11021062 ft-IssrBizAdrZipCd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} IssrBizAdrZipCd. 1.2.10
EFM.FT.1.2.11.dateFldRange 11021104 ft-CeasedOprsDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CeasedOprsDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 1.2.11
EFM.FT.1.2.12.r424iDateDiff 11021247 ft-RptgFsclYrEndDt-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, the RptgFsclYrEndDt value {value} is different from the {otherTag} value {otherValue}. Interest calculations will be based on the \"{otherLabel}\" date of {otherValue} because if an issuer ceases operations, the date the issuer ceases operations is deemed the end of its fiscal year. 1.2.12
EFM.FT.1.2.12.r424iRqdFlds 11021262 ft-RptgFsclYrEndDt-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, one of {otherTag} should have a value. 1.2.12
EFM.FT.1.2.5.r424iRqdFlds 11020562 ft-IssrNm-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} IssrNm. 1.2.5
EFM.FT.1.2.5.txtFldChars 11020520 ft-IssrNm-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, IssrNm value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 1.2.5
EFM.FT.1.2.6.r424iRqdFlds 11020662 ft-IssrBizAdrStrt1-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} IssrBizAdrStrt1. 1.2.6
EFM.FT.1.2.7.r424iAdrDep 11020745 ft-IssrBizAdrStrt2-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since {tagQualifier}IssrBizAdrStrt2 is provided then {otherTagQualifier}{otherTag} {severityVerb} be provided.{msgCoda} 1.2.7
EFM.FT.1.2.8.r424iRqdFlds 11020862 ft-IssrBizAdrCity-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} IssrBizAdrCity. 1.2.8
EFM.FT.1.2.9.r424iStatCtry 11020967 ft-IssrBizAdrStatOrCtryCd-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since {tagQualifier}IssrBizAdrStatOrCtryCd is provided then {otherTagQualifier}{otherTag} {severityVerb} be provided.{msgCoda} 1.2.9
EFM.FT.2.1.12.numAggAmt 12011213 ft-TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.1.12
EFM.FT.2.1.12.r424iAmtDue 12011246 ft-TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt value {value} should be {expectedValue}, {termValues}.{msgCoda} 2.1.12
EFM.FT.2.1.12.r424iRqdTtlFee 12011265 ft-TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for TtlFeeAndIntrstAmt. 2.1.12
EFM.FT.2.1.3.r424iRqdFlds 12010362 ft-TtlFeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} TtlFeeAmt. 2.1.3
EFM.FT.2.1.3.ttlFeeAmt 12010314 ft-TtlFeeAmt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlFeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 2.1.3
EFM.FT.2.1.5.numAggAmt 12010513 ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeIntrstAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.1.5
EFM.FT.2.1.5.r424iIntDue 12010555 ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Calculation: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeIntrstAmt value {value} should be equal to {expectedValue}, {termValues}. 2.1.5
EFM.FT.2.1.5.r424iRqdFeeInt 12010561 ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Calculation: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeIntrstAmt value {value} should be equal to {expectedValue}, {termValues}. 2.1.5
EFM.FT.2.1.8.netFeeAmt 12010811 ft-NetFeeAmt-Calc: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NetFeeAmt value {value} should be {expectedValue}, "{termValues}". 2.1.8
EFM.FT.2.1.8.r424iRqdFlds 12010862 ft-NetFeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for NetFeeAmt. 2.1.8
EFM.FT.2.2.4.numAggAmt 12020413 ft-TtlTxValtn-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlTxValtn value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.2.4
EFM.FT.2.2.4.ttlRqdFlds 12020418 ft-TtlTxValtn-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for TtlTxValtn. 2.2.4
EFM.FT.2.2.4.ttlTxValtn 12020419 for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlTxValtn {value} should be {expectedValue}, the sum of {item} for all Offerings one of {values} 2.2.4
EFM.FT.2.3.1.dbtVal7 12030108 ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlOfferingAmt {value} should be"greater than zero". 2.3.1
EFM.FT.2.3.1.numAggAmt 12030113 ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlOfferingAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.3.1
EFM.FT.2.3.1.ttlOfAmt 12030115 ft-TtlOfferingAmt-{otherTag}-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, the sum of TtlOfferingAmt, "{sumValue}", should be equal to the sum of {otherTag}, "{otherSumValue}", for Offering lines "{otherItems}". 2.3.1
EFM.FT.2.3.1.ttlRqdFlds 12030118 ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for TtlOfferingAmt. 2.3.1
EFM.FT.2.3.2.usrSty6a 12030233 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for {otherTag}. There should be an previously paid Offering with a value for {otherTag}. A previously paid {otherTag} is required when TtlPrevslyPdAmt is provided. 2.3.2
EFM.FT.2.3.2.usrSty6b 12030234 ft-TtlPrevslyPdAmt-{otherTag}-Values: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlPrevslyPdAmt value {value} should not be greater than {otherTag} {otherValue}. EDGAR will internally process the TtlPrevslyPdAmt to equal the {otherTag}, so that the ffd:NetFeeAmt equals $0. The adjustments are applied for back-end calculation purposes but will not be reflected in the disseminated filing fee exhibit. 2.3.2
EFM.FT.2.3.3.ttlFeeAmt 12030314 ft-TtlFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, the sum of TtlFeeAmt, "{sumValue}", should be equal to the sum of {otherTag}, "{otherSumValue}", for Offering lines "{otherItems}" 2.3.3
EFM.FT.2.3.3.ttlRqdFlds 12030318 ft-TtlFeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for TtlFeeAmt. 2.3.3
EFM.FT.2.3.6.ttlOfstAmt 12030616 ft-TtlOffsetAmt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlOffsetAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 2.3.6
EFM.FT.2.3.6.ttlOfstLeTotFee 12030617 ft-TtlOffsetAmt-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TtlOffsetAmt value {value} should not be greater than {expectedValue}, {termValues}. EDGAR will internally process the TtlOffsetAmt to equal the {termValues}, so that the ffd:NetFeeAmt equals $0. The adjustments are applied for back-end calculation purposes but will not be reflected in the disseminated filing fee exhibit. 2.3.6
EFM.FT.2.3.7.footNoteLen 12030727 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the NrrtvDsclsr length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 2.3.7
EFM.FT.2.3.8.netFeeAmt 12030811 ft-NetFeeAmt-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NetFeeAmt value {value} should be {expectedValue}, {termValues}. 2.3.8
EFM.FT.2.5.10.numAggAmt 12051013 ft-NrrtvMaxAggtAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NrrtvMaxAggtAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.5.10
EFM.FT.2.5.11.usrSty43 12051131 ft-FnlPrspctsFlg-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since {tagQualifier}FnlPrspctsFlg is provided then {otherTagQualifier}{otherTag} {severityVerb} be provided. 2.5.11
EFM.FT.2.5.9.numAggAmt 12050913 ft-NrrtvMaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NrrtvMaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 2.5.9
EFM.FT.3.0.0.ofRule 13000000 ft-{tags}-Exclusive-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, exactly one of {tags} {severityVerb} have a value {value}. These rule flag elements represent the rules which are applicable for submission type {subType}. Please select a rule that is applicable to the submission type, and resubmit the filing. If not corrected, the submission may require subsequent amendment. 3.0.0
EFM.FT.3.0.0.r457fRuleRef 13000088 depending on SubType one of ft-OfferingNote-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingNote. ft-{tags}-Exclusive-Value: in submission type {subType}, for {ftContext}, exactly one of {tags} {severityVerb} value {value}. These rule flag elements represent the rules which are applicable for submission type {subType}. 3.0.0
EFM.FT.3.0.0.usrSty9 13000036 ft-OfferingNote-Unexpected: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} not OfferingNote. Please select Rule 457(o) to specify Unallocated Universal Shelf securities. Rule 457(o) permits the calculation of the registration fee to be based on the maximum aggregate offering price of all the newly registered securities listed in Table 1. Table 1 must list each of the classes of securities being registered, in tandem with its Security Type but may omit the proposed maximum aggregate offering price for each class that is part of the Unallocated Universal Shelf. Following that list, Table 1 must list the Security Type �Unallocated (Universal) Shelf� and state the maximum aggregate offering price for all of the classes of securities on a combined basis. 3.0.0
EFM.FT.3.1.0.duplicateItem 13010010 ft-{context}-{otherContext}-Duplicate: {ftContext} is a duplicate of {otherftContext}. 3.1.0
EFM.FT.3.1.1.ofPrvPd 13010121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.1.1
EFM.FT.3.1.1.r457aRqdFlds 13010175 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.1.1
EFM.FT.3.1.2.ofRqdFlds 13010223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.1.2
EFM.FT.3.1.2.r457aSecType 13010276 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.1.2
EFM.FT.3.1.21.footNoteLen 13012127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.1.21
EFM.FT.3.1.3.ofRqdFlds 13010323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.1.3
EFM.FT.3.1.3.txtFldChars 13010320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.1.3
EFM.FT.3.1.4.numAmtSec 13010414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.1.4
EFM.FT.3.1.4.r457aRqdFlds 13010475 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} AmtSctiesRegd. 3.1.4
EFM.FT.3.1.5.numPerSec 13010517 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.1.5
EFM.FT.3.1.5.r457aRqdFlds 13010575 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} MaxOfferingPricPerScty. 3.1.5
EFM.FT.3.1.6.numAggAmt 13010613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.1.6
EFM.FT.3.1.6.r457aMAOP 13010673 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.1.6
EFM.FT.3.1.6.r457aRqdFlds 13010675 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} MaxAggtOfferingPric. 3.1.6
EFM.FT.3.1.8.dailyFeeRate 13010803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.1.8
EFM.FT.3.1.8.numRate 13010866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.1.8
EFM.FT.3.1.8.omitableFeeRate 13010825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.1.8
EFM.FT.3.1.8.r457aNewRqdFlds 13010874 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value FeeRate. 3.1.8
EFM.FT.3.1.9.newFeeAmt 13010912 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.1.9
EFM.FT.3.1.9.numFeeAmt 13010916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.1.9
EFM.FT.3.1.9.r457aRqdFlds 13010975 ft-FeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeAmt. 3.1.9
EFM.FT.3.10.15.usrSty3334RqdFlds 13101587 ft-AmtSctiesRcvd-Unexpected: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} not AmtSctiesRcvd. 3.10.15
EFM.FT.3.10.16.usrSty3334RqdFlds 13101687 ft-ValSctiesRcvdPerShr-Unexpected: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} not ValSctiesRcvdPerShr. 3.10.16
EFM.FT.3.10.17.usrSty3334RqdFlds 13101787 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Unexpected: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} not ValSctiesRcvd. 3.10.17
EFM.FT.3.10.17.usrSty3334valSecRcvd 13101726 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ValSctiesRcvd {value} should be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.10.17
EFM.FT.3.10.17.usrSty34valSecRcvd 13101700 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ValSctiesRcvd {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.10.17
EFM.FT.3.10.20.usrSty3334MAOP 13102024 ft-FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be {expectedValue}, {termValues}. 3.10.20
EFM.FT.3.10.20.usrSty34MAOP 13102000 ft-{tags}-Exclusive-Value: for submission type {subType}, context {ftContext}, exactly one of "{labels}" {severityVerb} have a value {value}. ft-FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, "{termValues}". {termValues} ffd:ValSctiesRcvd {value} plus "Cash Consideration Received" {value} minus "Cash Consideration Paid" {value} 3.10.20
EFM.FT.3.10.21.usrSty3334RqdFlds 13102187 ft-OfferingNote-Unexpected: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} not OfferingNote. 3.10.21
EFM.FT.3.10.6.usrSty3334MAOPsums 13100625 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-{otherTag}-Sum: the sum of MaxAggtOfferingPric, ({sumValue}), should be equal to the sum of {otherTag}, ({otherSumValue}), for all lines in Offerings; sum({values}) should be equal to sum({otherValues}). The sum of MAOP value(s) in General Instruction II.H fee note(s) is not equal to the sum of MAOP for all lines in Table 1 that reference General Instruction II.H in the fee note. Please ensure that the MAOP values both in Table 1 and the fee note match. 3.10.6
EFM.FT.3.10.6.usrSty34MAOPsums 13100600 Table 1 and the General Instruction II.H/II.I fee note match.Tbl 1 MAOPs down column sum vs footnote down column MAOPs sum: FeeNoteMAOPsums: "ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-{otherTag}-Sum": "the sum of MaxAggtOfferingPric, ({sumValue}), {severityVerb} equal the sum of {otherTag}, ({otherSumValue}), for all lines in {sumAxes}; sum({values}) should equal sum({otherValues})" The sum of MAOP value(s) in General Instruction II.H/II.I fee note(s) is not equal to the sum of MAOP for all lines in Table 1 that reference General Instruction II.H/II.I in the fee note. Please ensure that the MAOP values both in Table 1 and the fee note match. 3.10.6
EFM.FT.3.2.1.ofPrvPd 13020121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.2.1
EFM.FT.3.2.1.r457oRqdFlds 13020194 r457oRqdFlds: ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {ftContext}, there should be a value PrevslyPdFlg. 3.2.1
EFM.FT.3.2.2.ofRqdFlds 13020223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.2.2
EFM.FT.3.2.2.r457oSecType 13020295 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.2.2
EFM.FT.3.2.2.usrSty9 13020236 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.2.2
EFM.FT.3.2.2.uusRqdChild 13020242 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be at least one Unallocated (Universal) Shelf child item when an Unallocated (Universal) Shelf parent offering line exists. 3.2.2
EFM.FT.3.2.21.footNoteLen 13022127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.2.21
EFM.FT.3.2.3.ofRqdFlds 13020323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.2.3
EFM.FT.3.2.3.txtFldChars 13020320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.2.3
EFM.FT.3.2.3.uusNAflds 13020338 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} should be provided when {otherTag} value is {otherValue}. 3.2.3
EFM.FT.3.2.4.numAmtSec 13020414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.2.4
EFM.FT.3.2.5.numPerSec 13020517 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.2.5
EFM.FT.3.2.6.numAggAmt 13020613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.2.6
EFM.FT.3.2.6.r457oRqdFlds 13020694 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for MaxAggtOfferingPric. 3.2.6
EFM.FT.3.2.8.dailyFeeRate 13020803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.2.8
EFM.FT.3.2.8.numRate 13020866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.2.8
EFM.FT.3.2.8.omitableFeeRate 13020825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.2.8
EFM.FT.3.2.8.r457oNewRqdFlds 13020892 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value FeeRate. 3.2.8
EFM.FT.3.2.9.numFeeAmt 13020916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.2.9
EFM.FT.3.2.9.r457oFeeAmt 13020991 ft-FeeAmt-Product: submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.2.9
EFM.FT.3.2.9.r457oRqdFlds 13020994 ft-FeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeAmt. 3.2.9
EFM.FT.3.3.0.r457rWKSI 13030005 ft-OfferingNote-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, context {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} should be true when Rule 457(r ) is specified. 3.3.0
EFM.FT.3.3.1.ofPrvPd 13030121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.3.1
EFM.FT.3.3.1.r457rRqdFlds 13030103 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.3.1
EFM.FT.3.3.2.ofRqdFlds 13030223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.3.2
EFM.FT.3.3.2.r457rSecType 13030204 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.3.2
EFM.FT.3.3.21.footNoteLen 13032127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.3.21
EFM.FT.3.3.21.r457rRqdFlds 13032103 ft-OfferingNote-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingNote. 3.3.21
EFM.FT.3.3.3.ofRqdFlds 13030323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.3.3
EFM.FT.3.3.3.txtFldChars 13030320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.3.3
EFM.FT.3.3.4.numAmtSec 13030414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.3.4
EFM.FT.3.3.4.r457rOmitableFlds 13030402 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(b) and 457(r) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.3.4
EFM.FT.3.3.5.numPerSec 13030517 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.3.5
EFM.FT.3.3.5.r457rOmitableFlds 13030502 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(b) and 457(r) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.3.5
EFM.FT.3.3.6.numAggAmt 13030613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.3.6
EFM.FT.3.3.6.r457rMAOP 13030601 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.3.6
EFM.FT.3.3.6.r457rOmitableFlds 13030602 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(b) and 457(r) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.3.6
EFM.FT.3.3.8.dailyFeeRate 13030803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.3.8
EFM.FT.3.3.8.numRate 13030866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.3.8
EFM.FT.3.3.8.omitableFeeRate 13030825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.3.8
EFM.FT.3.3.9.newFeeAmt 13030912 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.3.9
EFM.FT.3.3.9.numFeeAmt 13030916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.3.9
EFM.FT.3.4.1.ofPrvPd 13040121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.4.1
EFM.FT.3.4.1.r457sRqdFlds 13040108 r457sRqdFlds: ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {ftContext}, there should be a value PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.4.1
EFM.FT.3.4.2.ofRqdFlds 13040223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.4.2
EFM.FT.3.4.2.r457sSecType 13040209 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.4.2
EFM.FT.3.4.21.footNoteLen 13042127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.4.21
EFM.FT.3.4.21.r457sRqdFlds 13042108 ft-OfferingNote-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingNote. 3.4.21
EFM.FT.3.4.3.ofRqdFlds 13040323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.4.3
EFM.FT.3.4.3.txtFldChars 13040320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.4.3
EFM.FT.3.4.4.numAmtSec 13040414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.4.4
EFM.FT.3.4.4.r457rOmitableFlds 13040402 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(b) and 457(r) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.4.4
EFM.FT.3.4.4.r457sOmitableFlds 13040407 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(c) and 457(s) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.4.4
EFM.FT.3.4.5.numPerSec 13040517 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.4.5
EFM.FT.3.4.5.r457sOmitableFlds 13040507 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(c) and 457(s) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.4.5
EFM.FT.3.4.6.numAggAmt 13040613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.4.6
EFM.FT.3.4.6.r457sMAOP 13040606 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.4.6
EFM.FT.3.4.6.r457sOmitableFlds 13040607 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric may be omitted. Filers relying on Securities Act Rules 456(c) and 457(s) to defer a fee payment may omit the Amount Registered, Proposed Maximum Offering Price Per Unit, and Maximum Aggregate Offering Amount. 3.4.6
EFM.FT.3.4.8.dailyFeeRate 13040803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.4.8
EFM.FT.3.4.8.numRate 13040866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.4.8
EFM.FT.3.4.8.omitableFeeRate 13040825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.4.8
EFM.FT.3.4.9.newFeeAmt 13040912 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.4.9
EFM.FT.3.4.9.numFeeAmt 13040916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.4.9
EFM.FT.3.5.1.ofPrvPd 13050121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.5.1
EFM.FT.3.5.1.r457uRqdFlds 13050111 r457uRqdFlds: ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {ftContext}, there should be a value PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.5.1
EFM.FT.3.5.2.r457uSecType 13050212 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.5.2
EFM.FT.3.5.21.footNoteLen 13052127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.5.21
EFM.FT.3.5.21.r457uRqdFlds 13052111 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for OfferingNote. 3.5.21
EFM.FT.3.5.3.ofRqdFlds 13050323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.5.3
EFM.FT.3.5.3.txtFldChars 13050320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.5.3
EFM.FT.3.5.4.r457uNAFlds 13050410 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd should not have a value.{msgCoda} 3.5.4
EFM.FT.3.5.5.r457uNAFlds 13050510 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty should not have a value.{msgCoda} 3.5.5
EFM.FT.3.5.6.r457uNAFlds 13050610 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric should not have a value.{msgCoda} 3.5.6
EFM.FT.3.5.8.r457uNAFlds 13050810 ft-FeeRate-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate should not have a value.{msgCoda} 3.5.8
EFM.FT.3.5.9.r457uNAFlds 13050910 ft-FeeAmt-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt should not have a value.{msgCoda} 3.5.9
EFM.FT.3.6.1.ofPrvPd 13060121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.6.1
EFM.FT.3.6.1.otherRqdFlds 13060134 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.6.1
EFM.FT.3.6.2.ofRqdFlds 13060223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.6.2
EFM.FT.3.6.2.otherSecType 13060235 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.6.2
EFM.FT.3.6.21.footNoteLen 13062127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.6.21
EFM.FT.3.6.21.otherRqdFlds 13062134 ft-OfferingNote-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingNote should be provided. 3.6.21
EFM.FT.3.6.3.ofRqdFlds 13060323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.6.3
EFM.FT.3.6.3.txtFldChars 13060320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.6.3
EFM.FT.3.6.4.numAmtSec 13060414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.6.4
EFM.FT.3.6.5.numPerSec 13060517 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.6.5
EFM.FT.3.6.6.numAggAmt 13060613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.6.6
EFM.FT.3.6.6.otherMAOP 13060632 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.6.6
EFM.FT.3.6.8.dailyFeeRate 13060803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.6.8
EFM.FT.3.6.8.numRate 13060866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.6.8
EFM.FT.3.6.8.omitableFeeRate 13060825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.6.8
EFM.FT.3.6.9.newFeeAmt 13060912 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.6.9
EFM.FT.3.6.9.numFeeAmt 13060916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.6.9
EFM.FT.3.6.9.otherFeeAmt 13060931 if MAOP: ft-FeeAmt-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since {tagQualifier}FeeAmt is provided then {otherTagQualifier}{otherTag} should be provided. if no MAOP: ft-FeeAmt-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be 0. Since there is no ffd:MaxAggtOfferingPric and consequentially no fee amount the value of ffd:FeeAmt should be zero. 3.6.9
EFM.FT.3.7.1.r415a6NAFlds 13070142 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg should not be provided. 3.7.1
EFM.FT.3.7.10.r415a6FileNb 13071051 ft-CfwdPrrFileNb-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CfwdPrrFileNb value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.7.10
EFM.FT.3.7.10.r415a6RqdFlds 13071043 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for CfwdPrrFileNb. 3.7.10
EFM.FT.3.7.11.r415a6FrmTyp 13071141 ft-CfwdFormTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CfwdFormTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.7.11
EFM.FT.3.7.11.r415a6RqdFlds 13071143 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for CfwdFormTp. 3.7.11
EFM.FT.3.7.11.usrSty50 13071132 ft-CfwdFormTp-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CfwdFormTp value {value} should be one of {expectedValue}. You cannot carry forward from an {value} filing because offerings registered on that form would not expire pursuant to Rule 415(a)(5). Please revise Table 1 and resubmit the {subType} filing. If not corrected, the submission may require subsequent amendment. 3.7.11
EFM.FT.3.7.12.dateFldRange 13071204 ft-CfwdPrrFctvDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CfwdPrrFctvDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 3.7.12
EFM.FT.3.7.12.r415a6RqdFlds 13071243 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for CfwdPrrFctvDt. 3.7.12
EFM.FT.3.7.13.numFeeAmt 13071316 ft-CfwdPrevslyPdFee-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CfwdPrevslyPdFee value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.7.13
EFM.FT.3.7.13.r415a6RqdFlds 13071343 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for CfwdPrevslyPdFee. 3.7.13
EFM.FT.3.7.2.ofRqdFlds 13070223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.7.2
EFM.FT.3.7.2.r415a6SecType 13070244 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.7.2
EFM.FT.3.7.21.footNoteLen 13072127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.7.21
EFM.FT.3.7.3.ofRqdFlds 13070323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl {severityVerb}. 3.7.3
EFM.FT.3.7.3.txtFldChars 13070320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.7.3
EFM.FT.3.7.4.numAmtSec 13070414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.7.4
EFM.FT.3.7.6.numAggAmt 13070613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.7.6
EFM.FT.3.7.8.r415a6NAFlds 13070842 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate should not be provided. 3.7.8
EFM.FT.3.8.1.ofPrvPd 13080121 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg value {value} should be false. 3.8.1
EFM.FT.3.8.1.r011RqdFlds 13080139 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {ftContext}, there should be a value PrevslyPdFlg. Since ffd:PrevslyPdFlg is omitted the offering line will be considered a fees to be paid line. 3.8.1
EFM.FT.3.8.1.usrSty2 13080141 ft-PrevslyPdFlg-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, PrevslyPdFlg {severityVerb}. 3.8.1
EFM.FT.3.8.21.footNoteLen 13082127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.8.21
EFM.FT.3.8.21.r011RqdFlds 13082139 ft-OfferingNote-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingNote should be provided. 3.8.21
EFM.FT.3.8.7.numAggAmt 13080713 ft-TxValtn-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TxValtn value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.8.7
EFM.FT.3.8.7.r011NewRqdFlds 13080738 ft-TxValtn-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TxValtn should be provided. 3.8.7
EFM.FT.3.8.8.dailyFeeRate 13080803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.8.8
EFM.FT.3.8.8.omitableFeeRate 13080825 ft-FeeRate-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate may be omitted. 3.8.8
EFM.FT.3.8.8.r011NewRqdFlds 13080838 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for FeeRate. 3.8.8
EFM.FT.3.8.9.numFeeAmt 13080916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.8.9
EFM.FT.3.8.9.r011NewRqdFlds 13080938 ft-FeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeAmt. 3.8.9
EFM.FT.3.8.9.r011TxVal 13080940 if fee amt is not zero or not CEF: ft-FeeAmt-Product: submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.8.9
EFM.FT.3.9.0.r457fMAOPsums 13090082 ft-OfferingNote-{otherTag}-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, the sum of OfferingNote, "{sumValue}", {severityVerb} be {comparison} to the sum of {otherTag}, "{otherSumValue}", for all {sumAxes}; sum({values}) should be {comparison} to sum({otherValues}). The sum of MAOP value(s) in 457(f) footnote(s) is not equal to the sum of MAOP for all lines in Table 1 that reference 457(f) in the fee note. Please ensure that the MAOP values both in Table 1 and the 457(f) fee note match. 3.9.0
EFM.FT.3.9.15.numAmtSec 13091514 ft-AmtSctiesRcvd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRcvd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.9.15
EFM.FT.3.9.15.r457fRqdFlds 13091587 ft-AmtSctiesRcvd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} AmtSctiesRcvd. 3.9.15
EFM.FT.3.9.16.numPerSec 13091617 ft-ValSctiesRcvdPerShr-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ValSctiesRcvdPerShr value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999.9999. 3.9.16
EFM.FT.3.9.16.r457fRqdFlds 13091687 ft-ValSctiesRcvdPerShr-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} ValSctiesRcvdPerShr. 3.9.16
EFM.FT.3.9.17.numAggAmt 13091713 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ValSctiesRcvd value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.17
EFM.FT.3.9.17.r457fRqdFlds 13091787 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} ValSctiesRcvd. 3.9.17
EFM.FT.3.9.17.r457fValSecRcvd 13091790 ft-ValSctiesRcvd-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ValSctiesRcvd {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 3.9.17
EFM.FT.3.9.18.numAggAmt 13091813 ft-CshPdByRegistrantInTx-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CshPdByRegistrantInTx value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.18
EFM.FT.3.9.19.numAggAmt 13091913 ft-CshRcvdByRegistrantInTx-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, CshRcvdByRegistrantInTx value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.19
EFM.FT.3.9.2.ofRqdFlds 13090223 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} be a value for OfferingSctyTp. 3.9.2
EFM.FT.3.9.2.r457fSecType 13090289 ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 3.9.2
EFM.FT.3.9.20.numAggAmt 13092013 ft-FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.20
EFM.FT.3.9.20.r457fMAOP 13092081 ft-FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric-Difference: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeNoteMaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, ffd:ValSctiesRcvd {value} plus ffd:CshRcvdByRegistrantInTx {value} minus ffd:CshPdByRegistrantInTx {value}. 3.9.20
EFM.FT.3.9.21.footNoteLen 13092127 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OfferingNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 3.9.21
EFM.FT.3.9.21.r457fRqdFlds 13092187 ft-OfferingNote-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingNote. 3.9.21
EFM.FT.3.9.3.ofRqdFlds 13090323 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 3.9.3
EFM.FT.3.9.3.txtFldChars 13090320 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 3.9.3
EFM.FT.3.9.4.numAmtSec 13090414 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AmtSctiesRegd value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 3.9.4
EFM.FT.3.9.4.r457f457aRqdFlds 13090480 ft-AmtSctiesRegd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for AmtSctiesRegd. 3.9.4
EFM.FT.3.9.5.r457fNAFlds 13090583 ft-MaxOfferingPricPerScty-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxOfferingPricPerScty should not have a value. 3.9.5
EFM.FT.3.9.6.numAggAmt 13090613 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, MaxAggtOfferingPric value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.6
EFM.FT.3.9.6.r457fRqdFlds 13090687 ft-MaxAggtOfferingPric-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} MaxAggtOfferingPric. 3.9.6
EFM.FT.3.9.8.dailyFeeRate 13090803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 3.9.8
EFM.FT.3.9.8.numRate 13090866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 3.9.8
EFM.FT.3.9.8.r457fNewRqdFlds 13090886 ft-FeeRate-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeRate. 3.9.8
EFM.FT.3.9.9.newFeeAmt 13090912 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1} {value1} and {term2} {value2}. 3.9.9
EFM.FT.3.9.9.numFeeAmt 13090916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 3.9.9
EFM.FT.3.9.9.r457fNewRqdFlds 13090986 ft-FeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeAmt. 3.9.9
EFM.FT.4.0.0.oRule 14000000 depending on SubType one of ft-TermntnCmpltnWdrwl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} TermntnCmpltnWdrwl. ft-{tags}-Exclusive-Value: in submission type {subType}, for {ftContext}, exactly one of {tags} {severityVerb} value {value}. These rule flag elements represent the rules which are applicable for submission type {subType}. 4.0.0
EFM.FT.4.1.0.duplicateItem 14010010 ft-{context}-{otherContext}-Duplicate: {ftContext} is a duplicate of {otherftContext}. 4.1.0
EFM.FT.4.1.1.oClmSrc 14010120 ft-OffsetClmdInd-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, A fee offset claim line requires that there be at least one fee offset source line but none was found. 4.1.1
EFM.FT.4.1.1.oRqdFlds 14010127 ft-OffsetClmdInd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetClmdInd. 4.1.1
EFM.FT.4.1.10.r424iFeeOfUnsold 14011052 ft-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since OffsetPrrNbOfUnsoldScties is provided then one of {otherTag} should be provided. 4.1.10
EFM.FT.4.1.11.r424iFeeOfUnsold 14011152 ft-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since OffsetPrrUnsoldOfferingAmt is provided then one of {otherTag} should be provided. 4.1.11
EFM.FT.4.1.12.numAggAmt 14011213 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.1.12
EFM.FT.4.1.12.oClmNAFlds 14011218 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.1.12
EFM.FT.4.1.12.oSrcRqdFlds 14011230 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.1.12
EFM.FT.4.1.13.footNoteLen 14011327 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.1.13
EFM.FT.4.1.13.r457bO11Expl 14011378 ft-OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt. 4.1.13
EFM.FT.4.1.14.footNoteLen 14011427 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OffsetNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.1.14
EFM.FT.4.1.15.r424iFeeOf 14011551 ft-TermntnCmpltnWdrwl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for TermntnCmpltnWdrwl. 4.1.15
EFM.FT.4.1.2.oSrcRqdFlds 14010230 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm should have a value. 4.1.2
EFM.FT.4.1.2.r424iFeeOf 14010251 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for OffsetPrrFilerNm. 4.1.2
EFM.FT.4.1.2.r457b011ClmNAFlds 14010277 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm should not have a value. 4.1.2
EFM.FT.4.1.2.txtFldChars 14010220 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 4.1.2
EFM.FT.4.1.3.oFrmTyp 14010322 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue} when OffsetPrrFormTp {value} is provided. 4.1.3
EFM.FT.4.1.3.oRqdFlds 14010327 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFormTp. 4.1.3
EFM.FT.4.1.4.oPrrFileNb 14010426 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Expected-Value: In submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFileNb value {value} should match {expectedValue}. 4.1.4
EFM.FT.4.1.4.oRqdFlds 14010427 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFileNb. 4.1.4
EFM.FT.4.1.4.r424iFeeOf 14010451 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for OffsetPrrFileNb. 4.1.4
EFM.FT.4.1.5.dateFldRange 14010504 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.5.oClmRqdFlds 14010519 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt should have a value. 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.5.oFuture 14010524 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.5.oSrcNAFlds 14010529 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt should not have a value. 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.5.r424iFeeOf 14010551 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for OffsetClmInitlFilgDt. 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.5.r457bO11SrcDate 14010579 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Values: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {comparison} to OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {value} OffsetClmInitlFilgDt: ffd:OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {otherTag}: ffd:OffsetSrcFilgDt {comparison}: after {ftContext}: contexts of source and claim matched by file number 4.1.5
EFM.FT.4.1.6.dateFldRange 14010604 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.numCdtsAmt 14010615 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.oClmNAFlds 14010618 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt should not have a value. 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.oFuture 14010624 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.oSrcRqdFlds 14010630 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt should have a value. 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.r424iRdmtCr 14010659 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.r424iRdmtCr0 14010660 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.6.r424iRqdRdmtCr 14010664 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 4.1.6
EFM.FT.4.1.7.numAggAmt 14010713 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.1.7
EFM.FT.4.1.7.oClmRqdFlds 14010719 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt should have a value. 4.1.7
EFM.FT.4.1.7.oSrcAmt 14010728 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Sum: the sum of OffsetClmdAmt, ({sumValue}), {severityVerb} be {comparison} to the sum of {otherTag}, ({otherSumValue}), for all lines in {sumAxes}; sum({values}) should be {comparison} to sum({otherValues}). Please correct the value(s). 4.1.7
EFM.FT.4.1.7.oSrcNAFlds 14010729 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt should not have a value. 4.1.7
EFM.FT.4.1.7.r424iFeeOf 14010751 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for OffsetClmdAmt. 4.1.7
EFM.FT.4.2.1.oClmSrc 14020120 ft-OffsetClmdInd-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, A fee offset claim line requires that there be at least one fee offset source line but none was found. 4.2.1
EFM.FT.4.2.1.oRqdFlds 14020127 ft-OffsetClmdInd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetClmdInd. 4.2.1
EFM.FT.4.2.12.numAggAmt 14021213 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.2.12
EFM.FT.4.2.12.oClmNAFlds 14021218 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.2.12
EFM.FT.4.2.12.oSrcRqdFlds 14021230 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.2.12
EFM.FT.4.2.13.footNoteLen 14021327 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.2.13
EFM.FT.4.2.13.r457bO11Expl 14021378 ft-OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetExpltnForClmdAmt. 4.2.13
EFM.FT.4.2.14.footNoteLen 14021427 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OffsetNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.2.14
EFM.FT.4.2.2.oSrcRqdFlds 14020230 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm should have a value. 4.2.2
EFM.FT.4.2.2.r457b011ClmNAFlds 14020277 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm should not have a value. 4.2.2
EFM.FT.4.2.2.txtFldChars 14020220 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 4.2.2
EFM.FT.4.2.3.oFrmTyp 14020322 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue} when OffsetPrrFormTp {value} is provided. 4.2.3
EFM.FT.4.2.3.oRqdFlds 14020327 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFormTp. 4.2.3
EFM.FT.4.2.4.oPrrFileNb 14020426 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Expected-Value: In submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFileNb value {value} should match {expectedValue}. 4.2.4
EFM.FT.4.2.4.oRqdFlds 14020427 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFileNb. 4.2.4
EFM.FT.4.2.5.dateFldRange 14020504 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.2.5
EFM.FT.4.2.5.oClmRqdFlds 14020519 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt should have a value. 4.2.5
EFM.FT.4.2.5.oFuture 14020524 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.2.5
EFM.FT.4.2.5.oSrcNAFlds 14020529 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt should not have a value. 4.2.5
EFM.FT.4.2.5.r457bO11SrcDate 14020579 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Values: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {comparison} to OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {value} OffsetClmInitlFilgDt: ffd:OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {otherTag}: ffd:OffsetSrcFilgDt {comparison}: after {ftContext}: contexts of source and claim matched by file number 4.2.5
EFM.FT.4.2.6.dateFldRange 14020604 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.2.6
EFM.FT.4.2.6.oClmNAFlds 14020618 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt should not have a value. 4.2.6
EFM.FT.4.2.6.oFuture 14020624 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.2.6
EFM.FT.4.2.6.oSrcRqdFlds 14020630 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt should have a value. 4.2.6
EFM.FT.4.2.7.numAggAmt 14020713 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.2.7
EFM.FT.4.2.7.oClmRqdFlds 14020719 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt should have a value. 4.2.7
EFM.FT.4.2.7.oSrcAmt 14020728 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Sum: the sum of OffsetClmdAmt, ({sumValue}), {severityVerb} be {comparison} to the sum of {otherTag}, ({otherSumValue}), for all lines in {sumAxes}; sum({values}) should be {comparison} to sum({otherValues}). Please correct the value(s). 4.2.7
EFM.FT.4.2.7.oSrcNAFlds 14020729 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt should not have a value. 4.2.7
EFM.FT.4.3.1.oClmSrc 14030120 ft-OffsetClmdInd-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda}. msgCoda: A fee offset claim line requires that there be at least one fee offset source line but none was found. 4.3.1
EFM.FT.4.3.1.oRqdFlds 14030127 ft-OffsetClmdInd-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetClmdInd. 4.3.1
EFM.FT.4.3.10.numAmtSec 14031014 ft-OffsetPrrNbOfUnsoldScties-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrNbOfUnsoldScties value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 4.3.10
EFM.FT.4.3.11.numAggAmt 14031113 ft-OffsetPrrUnsoldOfferingAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrUnsoldOfferingAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.3.11
EFM.FT.4.3.12.oClmNAFlds 14031218 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.3.12
EFM.FT.4.3.12.oSrcRqdFlds 14031230 ft-OffsetPrrFeeAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFeeAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.12
EFM.FT.4.3.14.footNoteLen 14031427 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the OffsetNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.3.14
EFM.FT.4.3.15.footNoteLen 14031527 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the TermntnCmpltnWdrwl length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 4.3.15
EFM.FT.4.3.15.r457pClmRqdFlds 14031597 ft-TermntnCmpltnWdrwl-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, TermntnCmpltnWdrwl {severityVerb}. severityVerb: should be provided 4.3.15
EFM.FT.4.3.2.oSrcRqdFlds 14030230 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.2
EFM.FT.4.3.2.r457pClmRqdFlds 14030297 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.2
EFM.FT.4.3.2.txtFldChars 14030220 ft-OffsetPrrFilerNm-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFilerNm value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 4.3.2
EFM.FT.4.3.3.oFrmTyp 14030322 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue} when OffsetPrrFormTp {value} is provided. 4.3.3
EFM.FT.4.3.3.oRqdFlds 14030327 ft-OffsetPrrFormTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFormTp. 4.3.3
EFM.FT.4.3.4.oPrrFileNb 14030426 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Expected-Value: In submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrFileNb value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. {securityVerb}: should match {qualifier}: "" {expectedValue}: regex pattern 4.3.4
EFM.FT.4.3.4.oRqdFlds 14030427 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrFileNb. 4.3.4
EFM.FT.4.3.4.r457pFileNb 14030499 ft-OffsetPrrFileNb-{otherTag}-Values: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {comparison} to OffsetPrrFileNb {value} 4.3.4
EFM.FT.4.3.5.dateFldRange 14030504 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.3.5
EFM.FT.4.3.5.oClmRqdFlds 14030519 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.5
EFM.FT.4.3.5.oFuture 14030524 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.3.5
EFM.FT.4.3.5.oSrcNAFlds 14030529 ft-OffsetClmInitlFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmInitlFilgDt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.3.5
EFM.FT.4.3.6.dateFldRange 14030604 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 4.3.6
EFM.FT.4.3.6.oClmNAFlds 14030618 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.3.6
EFM.FT.4.3.6.oFuture 14030624 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 4.3.6
EFM.FT.4.3.6.oSrcRqdFlds 14030630 ft-OffsetSrcFilgDt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetSrcFilgDt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.6
EFM.FT.4.3.7.numAggAmt 14030713 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 4.3.7
EFM.FT.4.3.7.oClmRqdFlds 14030719 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should have a value 4.3.7
EFM.FT.4.3.7.oSrcAmt 14030728 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Sum: the sum of OffsetClmdAmt, ({sumValue}), {severityVerb} be {comparison} to the sum of {otherTag}, ({otherSumValue}), for all lines in {sumAxes}; sum({values}) should be {comparison} to sum({otherValues}). Please correct the value(s). 4.3.7
EFM.FT.4.3.7.oSrcNAFlds 14030729 ft-OffsetClmdAmt-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetClmdAmt {severityVerb}. {securityVerb}: should not have a value 4.3.7
EFM.FT.4.3.8.r457pClmPrrSctyTyp 14030896 ft-OffsetPrrSctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrSctyTp. 4.3.8
EFM.FT.4.3.9.r457pClmSecTitle 14030998 ft-OffsetPrrSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OffsetPrrSctyTitl.{msgCoda} {msgCoda} Required except when filers select �Unallocated Universal Shelf� as the Security Type. 4.3.9
EFM.FT.4.3.9.txtFldChars 14030920 ft-OffsetPrrSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OffsetPrrSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 4.3.9
EFM.FT.5.0.0.r429RqdFlds 15000071 ft-Rule429PrspctsNote-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: there {severityVerb} be a {tags} with a value of {value}. 5.0.0
EFM.FT.5.0.0.usrSty27 15000021 ft-Rule429PrspctsNote-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429PrspctsNote should not be have a value. You may not include Table 3 tagged data on an Exchange Act filing. Please remove fee data related to Table 3 (Combined Prospectus) from the filing. If not corrected, the submission may require subsequent amendment. 5.0.0
EFM.FT.5.0.0.usrSty32 15000023 ft-Rule429PrspctsNote-{otherTag}-Dependency: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, since {tagQualifier}Rule429PrspctsNote is provided then one of {otherTag} should be provided. Table 1: Newly Registered and Carry Forward Securities Table and Related Disclosure is missing. Please include this if applicable. 5.0.0
EFM.FT.5.1.0.duplicateItem 15010010 ft-{context}-{otherContext}-Duplicate: {ftContext} is a duplicate of {otherftContext}. 5.1.0
EFM.FT.5.1.1.r429FileNb 15010168 ft-Rule429EarlierFileNb-Expected-Value: In submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFileNb value {value} should match {expectedValue}. 5.1.1
EFM.FT.5.1.1.r429FileNbNotClm 15010169 ft-Rule429EarlierFileNb-{otherTag}-Values: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFileNb value {value} should be not equal to {otherTag} {otherValue}. 5.1.1
EFM.FT.5.1.1.r429RqdFlds 15010171 ft-Rule429EarlierFileNb-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFileNb {severityVerb}. severityVerb: should be provided 5.1.1
EFM.FT.5.1.1.uusFileNb 15010137 ft-Rule429EarlierFileNb-{otherTag}-Presence2: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},the Rule429EarlierFileNb value {value} provided for the Unallocated (Universal) Shelf sub-item does not match the file number provided for the "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". Please ensure the File numbers match. 5.1.1
EFM.FT.5.1.2.r429FrmTyp 15010270 ft-Rule429EarlierFormTp-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFormTp value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. severityVerb: should be provided expectedValue: (list of valid form types from Table 3-1 from Submission Group Requirements Document) 5.1.2
EFM.FT.5.1.2.r429RqdFlds 15010271 ft-Rule429EarlierFormTp-{otherTag}-Presence: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFormTp {severityVerb}. severityVerb: should be provided 5.1.2
EFM.FT.5.1.2.usrSty10 15010240 ft-Rule429EarlierFormTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429EarlierFormTp value {otherValue} should be {expectedValue}. A well-known seasoned issuer may not rely on Rule 429 to combine a prospectus from a prior non-automatically effective registration statement with a prospectus included in an automatic shelf registration statement. Please revise if necessary. If incorrect, the submission may require subsequent amendment. 5.1.2
EFM.FT.5.1.3.cpFuture 15010302 ft-Rule429InitlFctvDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429InitlFctvDt value {value} should not be later than {expectedValue}. 5.1.3
EFM.FT.5.1.3.dateFldRange 15010304 ft-Rule429InitlFctvDt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429InitlFctvDt value {value} should be from 1980-01-01 to 2050-12-31. 5.1.3
EFM.FT.5.1.3.r429RqdFlds 15010371 ft-{otherTag}-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for Rule429InitlFctvDt. 5.1.3
EFM.FT.5.1.4.r429RqdFlds 15010471 ft-Rule429SctyTp-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} Rule429SctyTp. 5.1.4
EFM.FT.5.1.4.r429SecType 15010472 ft-Rule429SctyTp-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429SctyTp value {otherValue} should be one of {expectedValue}. 5.1.4
EFM.FT.5.1.5.r429RqdFlds 15010571 ft-Rule429SctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} Rule429SctyTitl.{msgCoda} {msgCoda} Required except when filers select �Unallocated Universal Shelf� as the Security Type. 5.1.5
EFM.FT.5.1.5.txtFldChars 15010520 ft-Rule429SctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429SctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 5.1.5
EFM.FT.5.1.5.uusNAflds 15010538 ft-Rule429SctyTitl-{otherTag}-RefValue: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429SctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} be provided when {otherTag} value is {otherValue}. 5.1.5
EFM.FT.5.1.6.numAmtSec 15010614 ft-Rule429NbOfUnsoldScties-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429NbOfUnsoldScties value {value} should be from 0 to 999,999,999,999. 5.1.6
EFM.FT.5.1.7.numAggAmt 15010713 ft-Rule429AggtOfferingAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, Rule429AggtOfferingAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 5.1.7
EFM.FT.5.1.8.footNoteLen 15010827 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the Rule429PrspctsNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 5.1.8
EFM.FT.6.1.0.duplicateItem 16010010 ft-{context}-{otherContext}-Duplicate: {ftContext} is a duplicate of {otherftContext}. 6.1.0
EFM.FT.6.1.10.footNoteLen 16011027 ft-CustomMsg: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext},{msgCoda} msgCoda: the FeeNote length should not exceed 10,000 characters. 6.1.10
EFM.FT.6.1.2.r424iRqdFlds 16010262 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} OfferingSctyTitl. 6.1.2
EFM.FT.6.1.2.txtFldChars 16010220 ft-OfferingSctyTitl-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, OfferingSctyTitl value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. 6.1.2
EFM.FT.6.1.3.numAggAmt 16010313 ft-AggtSalesPricFsclYr-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AggtSalesPricFsclYr value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 6.1.3
EFM.FT.6.1.3.r424iRqdFlds 16010362 ft-AggtSalesPricFsclYr-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for AggtSalesPricFsclYr. 6.1.3
EFM.FT.6.1.4.numAggAmt 16010413 ft-AggtRedRpPricFsclYr-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AggtRedRpPricFsclYr value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 6.1.4
EFM.FT.6.1.4.r424iRqdFlds 16010462 ft-AggtRedRpPricFsclYr-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for AggtRedRpPricFsclYr. 6.1.4
EFM.FT.6.1.5.numAggAmt 16010513 ft-AggtRedRpPricPrrFsclYr-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, AggtRedRpPricPrrFsclYr value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 6.1.5
EFM.FT.6.1.5.r424iRqdFlds 16010562 ft-AggtRedRpPricPrrFsclYr-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there should be a value for AggtRedRpPricPrrFsclYr. 6.1.5
EFM.FT.6.1.7.numAggAmt 16010713 ft-NetSalesAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NetSalesAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 6.1.7
EFM.FT.6.1.7.r424iNetSls 16010756 ft-NetSalesAmt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NetSalesAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 6.1.7
EFM.FT.6.1.7.r424iNetSls0 16010757 ft-NetSalesAmt-{otherTag}-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, {otherTag} value {otherValue} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}. 6.1.7
EFM.FT.6.1.7.r424iRqdNetSls 16010763 ft-NetSalesAmt-Sum: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, NetSalesAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the sum of "{itemLabel}" for all {sumAxes} "{values}" 6.1.7
EFM.FT.6.1.8.dailyFeeRate 16010803 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be {expectedValue}. 6.1.8
EFM.FT.6.1.8.numRate 16010866 ft-FeeRate-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeRate value {value} should be from 0 to 1. 6.1.8
EFM.FT.6.1.8.r424iRqdFlds 16010862 ft-FeeRate-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeRate. 6.1.8
EFM.FT.6.1.9.numFeeAmt 16010916 ft-FeeAmt-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt value {value} should be from 0 to 99,999,999,999,999.99. 6.1.9
EFM.FT.6.1.9.r424iFeeAmt 16010950 ft-FeeAmt-Product: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, FeeAmt {value} {severityVerb} be {expectedValue}, the product of {term1Tag} {value1} and {term2Tag} {value2}. 6.1.9
EFM.FT.6.1.9.r424iRqdFlds 16010962 ft-FeeAmt-Missing: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there {severityVerb} FeeAmt. 6.1.9
EFM.FT.6.5.24.nameFldChars 26052400 ft-EntityRegistrantName-Expected-Value: for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, EntityRegistrantName value {value} {severityVerb} {qualifier}{expectedValue}. expectedValue: regex text pattern severityVerb: should match 6.5.24
dq-0520-AmendmentDescription-Missing 6052000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AmendmentDescription in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-AmendmentDescription-Unexpected 6052000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AmendmentDescription in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-AmendmentDescription-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6052000 In submission type {subType}, AmendmentDescription should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-AmendmentFlag-Missing 6052000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AmendmentFlag in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-AmendmentFlag-Unexpected 6052000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AmendmentFlag in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus-Missing 6052000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus-Unexpected 6052000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentFiscalYearFocus-Missing 6052000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentFiscalYearFocus in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentFiscalYearFocus-Unexpected 6052000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentFiscalYearFocus in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Missing 6052000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Unexpected 6052000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}. 6.5.20
dq-0520-{tags}-Both 6052000 In submission type {subType}, both or neither of {tags} should have a value. 6.5.20
dq-0521-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for CurrentFiscalYearEndDate in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for CurrentFiscalYearEndDate in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityCurrentReportingStatus-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityCurrentReportingStatus in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityCurrentReportingStatus-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityCurrentReportingStatus in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityFilerCategory-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityFilerCategory in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityFilerCategory-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityFilerCategory in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityInteractiveDataCurrent-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityInteractiveDataCurrent in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityInteractiveDataCurrent-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityInteractiveDataCurrent in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityPublicFloat-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityPublicFloat in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityPublicFloat-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityPublicFloat in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityRegistrantName-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityRegistrantName in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityRegistrantName-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityRegistrantName in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityVoluntaryFilers-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityVoluntaryFilers in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityVoluntaryFilers-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityVoluntaryFilers in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag-Missing 6052100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag-Unexpected 6052100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag in the {context}. 6.5.21
dq-0521-IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag-Value-{otherTag}-Missing 6052100 In submission type {subType}, IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag value, {value}, requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.21
dq-0526-EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding-Missing 6052600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding in the {context}. 6.5.26
dq-0526-EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding-Security-Axes 6052600 In submission type {subType}, EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding should have values without axes if a single non-ADR member, otherwise in separate contexts by axis member, but not both, in contexts {contextIDs}. 6.5.26
dq-0526-EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding-Unexpected 6052600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding in the {context}. 6.5.26
dq-0540-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Registrant-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, CurrentFiscalYearEndDate value, {value}, should match the Entity Registrant Fiscal Year End Date {valueOfHeaderTag} on record within EDGAR. 6.5.40
dq-0540-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Submission-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, CurrentFiscalYearEndDate value, {value}, does not match the Submission Header Fiscal Year End Date {valueOfHeaderTag}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, DocumentPeriodEndDate value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityEmergingGrowthCompany-Missing 6054000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityEmergingGrowthCompany in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityEmergingGrowthCompany-Unexpected 6054000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityEmergingGrowthCompany in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityEmergingGrowthCompany-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityEmergingGrowthCompany value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-Missing 6054000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityExTransitionPeriod in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-Unexpected 6054000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityExTransitionPeriod in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityExTransitionPeriod value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityFilerCategory-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityFilerCategory value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityInvCompanyType-Missing 6054000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityInvCompanyType in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityInvCompanyType-Unexpected 6054000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityInvCompanyType in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityInvCompanyType-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityInvCompanyType value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityShellCompany-Missing 6054000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityShellCompany in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityShellCompany-Unexpected 6054000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityShellCompany in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityShellCompany-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityShellCompany value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntitySmallBusiness-Missing 6054000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntitySmallBusiness in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntitySmallBusiness-Unexpected 6054000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntitySmallBusiness in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntitySmallBusiness-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntitySmallBusiness value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntitySmallBusiness-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntitySmallBusiness should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityVoluntaryFilers-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityVoluntaryFilers value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-acceleratedFilerStatus-Unexpected 6054500 Header element acceleratedFilerStatus value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-cef:IntervalFundFlag-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, cef:IntervalFundFlag value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag-Value 6054000 In submission type {subType}, cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag value, {value}, is not equivalent to header element {headerTag} value, {valueOfHeaderTag}, in the {context}. 6.5.40
dq-0540-eligibleFundFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element eligibleFundFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-emergingGrowthCompanyFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element emergingGrowthCompanyFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-exTransitionPeriodFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element exTransitionPeriodFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-filerNewRegistrantFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element filerNewRegistrantFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-pursuantGeneralInstructionFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element pursuantGeneralInstructionFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-rptIncludeAllSeriesFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element rptIncludeAllSeriesFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-shellCompanyFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element shellCompanyFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-smallBusinessFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element smallBusinessFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-voluntaryFilerFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element voluntaryFilerFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0540-wellKnownSeasonedIssuerFlag-Unexpected 6054500 Header element wellKnownSeasonedIssuerFlag value {value} is not applicable for {subType} submission type. 6.5.45
dq-0541-Series-Id-Member-Not-Axis-Member 6054100 Submission type {subType} should have {seriesIdMember} as a member of the Legal Entity Axis. {refSources} 6.5.41
dq-0541-Series-Id-Member-Not-Declared 6054100 Submission type {subType} should have {seriesIdMember} declared as a domainItemType element. {refSources} 6.5.41
dq-0541-Series-Id-Member-Not-In-Context 6054100 Submission type {subType} should have a context with {seriesIdMember} as a member of the Legal Entity Axis. {refSources} 6.5.41
dq-0542-Deprecated-Concept 6054200 Concept {element} in {version1} used in {count} facts was deprecated in {version2} as of {date} and should not be used. {refSources} 6.5.42
dq-0543-Negative-Fact-Value 6054300 Concept {element} in {taxonomy} has a negative value {value} in context {context}. Correct the sign, use a more appropriate concept, or change the context. {refSources} 6.5.43
dq-0544-Custom-Axis 6054400 Contexts {contextIDs} use dimension {dimension} in namespace {namespace} but {axis} in {taxonomy} is preferred. {refSources} 6.5.44
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityRegistrantName 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityPublicFloat 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityPrimarySicNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityFilerCategory 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityInformationFormerLegalOrRegisteredName 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityReportingCurrencyISOCode 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityFileNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityExTransitionPeriod 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityEmergingGrowthCompany 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityInteractiveDataCurrent 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityShellCompany 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityTaxIdentificationNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityVoluntaryFilers 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: OtherReportingStandardItemNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: Security12bTitle 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: Security12gTitle 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: SecurityExchangeName 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: SecurityReportingObligation 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: TradingSymbol 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:BdcFileNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityCurrentReportingStatus 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntitySmallBusiness 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: LocalPhoneNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressStateOrProvince 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityBankruptcyProceedingsReportingCurrent 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AnnualInformationForm 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AuditedAnnualFinancialStatements 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: CityAreaCode 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: ContactPersonnelEmailAddress 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: ContactPersonnelFaxNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: ContactPersonnelName 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: CurrentFiscalYearEndDate 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentAccountingStandard 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentAnnualReport 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentPeriodEndDate 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentQuarterlyReport 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressPostalZipCode 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressCountry 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressCityOrTown 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressAddressLine3 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressAddressLine2 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityAddressAddressLine1 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentPeriodStartDate 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentType 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentTransitionReport 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentShellCompanyReport 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentShellCompanyEventDate 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentRegistrationStatement 6.5.45
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible 6054500 Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that should be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentsIncorporatedByReferenceTextBlock 6.5.45
dq-0546-NoTradingSymbolFlag-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for NoTradingSymbolFlag in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-NoTradingSymbolFlag-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for NoTradingSymbolFlag in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12bTitle-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for Security12bTitle in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12bTitle-Security-Axes 6054600 In submission type {subType}, Security12bTitle should have values without axes if a single non-ADR member, otherwise in separate contexts by axis member, but not both, in contexts {contextIDs}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12bTitle-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for Security12bTitle in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12gTitle-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for Security12gTitle in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12gTitle-Security-Axes 6054600 In submission type {subType}, Security12gTitle should have values without axes if a single non-ADR member, otherwise in separate contexts by axis member, but not both, in contexts {contextIDs}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-Security12gTitle-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for Security12gTitle in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-SecurityExchangeName-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for SecurityExchangeName in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-SecurityExchangeName-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for SecurityExchangeName in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-SecurityExchangeName-{otherTags}-Dependency 6054600 In submission type {subType}, SecurityExchangeName should have a value if one of {otherTags} has a value in context {contextID}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-SecurityReportingObligation-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for SecurityReportingObligation in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-SecurityReportingObligation-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for SecurityReportingObligation in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-TradingSymbol-Missing 6054600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for TradingSymbol in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-TradingSymbol-Unexpected 6054600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for TradingSymbol in the {context}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-{tags}-Exclusive 6054600 In submission type {subType}, only one of {tags} should have a value, but not both, in context, {contextID}. 6.5.46
dq-0546-{tags}-{otherTags}-Exclusive-Dependency 6054600 In submission type {subType}, one of {tags} should have a value if one of {otherTags} has a value in context {contextID}. 6.5.46
dq-0547-EntityAddressCountry-Missing 6054700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityAddressCountry-Unexpected 6054700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityFileNumber-Missing 6054700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityFileNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityFileNumber-Unexpected 6054700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityFileNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode-Missing 6054700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode-Unexpected 6054700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityPrimarySicNumber-Missing 6054700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityPrimarySicNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityPrimarySicNumber-Unexpected 6054700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityPrimarySicNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityTaxIdentificationNumber-Missing 6054700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityTaxIdentificationNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0547-EntityTaxIdentificationNumber-Unexpected 6054700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityTaxIdentificationNumber in the {context}. 6.5.47
dq-0548-CityAreaCode-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for CityAreaCode in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-CityAreaCode-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for CityAreaCode in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-CityAreaCode-{otherTag}-Dependency 6054800 In submission type {subType}, CityAreaCode should have a value if and only if {otherTag} has a value in context {contextID}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine2-{otherTag}-Missing 6054800 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine2 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressAddressLine3-{otherTag}-Missing 6054800 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine3 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressCountry-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressCountry-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-LocalPhoneNumber-Missing 6054800 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for LocalPhoneNumber in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-LocalPhoneNumber-Unexpected 6054800 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for LocalPhoneNumber in the {context}. 6.5.48
dq-0548-{tags}-Inclusive 6054800 In submission type {subType}, at least one of {tags} should have a value. 6.5.48
dq-0549-AnnualInformationForm-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AnnualInformationForm in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-AnnualInformationForm-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AnnualInformationForm in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-AuditedAnnualFinancialStatements-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AuditedAnnualFinancialStatements in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-AuditedAnnualFinancialStatements-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AuditedAnnualFinancialStatements in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentAnnualReport-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentAnnualReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentAnnualReport-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentAnnualReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentAnnualReport-{expectedValue} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentAnnualReport value, {value}, should have {expectedValue} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentAnnualReport-{value} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentAnnualReport value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentPeriodStartDate-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentPeriodStartDate in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentPeriodStartDate-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentPeriodStartDate in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentPeriodStartDate-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentPeriodStartDate should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentQuarterlyReport-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentQuarterlyReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentQuarterlyReport-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentQuarterlyReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentQuarterlyReport-{expectedValue} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentQuarterlyReport value, {value}, should have {expectedValue} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentQuarterlyReport-{value} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentQuarterlyReport value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentRegistrationStatement-{expectedValue} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentRegistrationStatement value, {value}, should have {expectedValue} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentRegistrationStatement-{value} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentRegistrationStatement value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyEventDate-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentShellCompanyEventDate in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyEventDate-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentShellCompanyEventDate in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyEventDate-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentShellCompanyEventDate should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyReport-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentShellCompanyReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyReport-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentShellCompanyReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentShellCompanyReport-{value} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentShellCompanyReport value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentTransitionReport-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentTransitionReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentTransitionReport-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentTransitionReport in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentTransitionReport-{expectedValue} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentTransitionReport value, {value}, should have {expectedValue} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentTransitionReport-{value} 6054900 In submission type {subType}, DocumentTransitionReport value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentsIncorporatedByReferenceTextBlock-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentsIncorporatedByReferenceTextBlock in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-DocumentsIncorporatedByReferenceTextBlock-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentsIncorporatedByReferenceTextBlock in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-EntityBankruptcyProceedingsReportingCurrent-Missing 6054900 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityBankruptcyProceedingsReportingCurrent in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-EntityBankruptcyProceedingsReportingCurrent-Unexpected 6054900 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityBankruptcyProceedingsReportingCurrent in the {context}. 6.5.49
dq-0549-{tags}-Exclusive-Values 6054900 In submission type {subType}, exactly one of {tags} should have the value {value} and the others should have the value {otherValue}. 6.5.49
dq-0550-DocumentAccountingStandard-Missing 6055000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentAccountingStandard in the {context}. 6.5.50
dq-0550-DocumentAccountingStandard-Unexpected 6055000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentAccountingStandard in the {context}. 6.5.50
dq-0550-OtherReportingStandardItemNumber-Missing 6055000 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for OtherReportingStandardItemNumber in the {context}. 6.5.50
dq-0550-OtherReportingStandardItemNumber-Unexpected 6055000 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for OtherReportingStandardItemNumber in the {context}. 6.5.50
dq-0550-OtherReportingStandardItemNumber-{otherTag}-Dependent-Value 6055000 In submission type {subType}, OtherReportingStandardItemNumber should be provided if and only if {otherTag} has value {value} in context {contextID}. 6.5.50
dq-0551-CityAreaCode-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for CityAreaCode in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-CityAreaCode-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for CityAreaCode in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-CityAreaCode-{otherTag}-Dependency 6055100 In submission type {subType}, CityAreaCode should have a value if and only if {otherTag} has a value in context {contextID}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelEmailAddress-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for ContactPersonnelEmailAddress in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelEmailAddress-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for ContactPersonnelEmailAddress in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelFaxNumber-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for ContactPersonnelFaxNumber in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelFaxNumber-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for ContactPersonnelFaxNumber in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelName-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for ContactPersonnelName in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-ContactPersonnelName-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for ContactPersonnelName in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine2-{otherTag}-Missing 6055100 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine2 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressAddressLine3-{otherTag}-Missing 6055100 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine3 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressCountry-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressCountry-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-{value} 6055100 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressStateOrProvince value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-LocalPhoneNumber-Missing 6055100 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for LocalPhoneNumber in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-LocalPhoneNumber-Unexpected 6055100 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for LocalPhoneNumber in the {context}. 6.5.51
dq-0551-{tags}-Inclusive 6055100 In submission type {subType}, at least one of {tags} should have a value. 6.5.51
dq-0552-EntityInformationFormerLegalOrRegisteredName-Missing 6055200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityInformationFormerLegalOrRegisteredName in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-EntityInformationFormerLegalOrRegisteredName-Unexpected 6055200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityInformationFormerLegalOrRegisteredName in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-PreCommencementIssuerTenderOffer-Missing 6055200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for PreCommencementIssuerTenderOffer in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-PreCommencementIssuerTenderOffer-Unexpected 6055200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for PreCommencementIssuerTenderOffer in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-PreCommencementTenderOffer-Missing 6055200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for PreCommencementTenderOffer in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-PreCommencementTenderOffer-Unexpected 6055200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for PreCommencementTenderOffer in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-SolicitingMaterial-Missing 6055200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for SolicitingMaterial in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-SolicitingMaterial-Unexpected 6055200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for SolicitingMaterial in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-WrittenCommunications-Missing 6055200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for WrittenCommunications in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0552-WrittenCommunications-Unexpected 6055200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for WrittenCommunications in the {context}. 6.5.52
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine1-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine1 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine2-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine2 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine2-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine2 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine3-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressAddressLine3 in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressAddressLine3-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressAddressLine3 requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCityOrTown-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCityOrTown in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCityOrTown-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressCityOrTown requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCountry-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCountry-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressCountry in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCountry-{otherTags}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressCountry requires a non-empty value for at least one of {otherTags} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressCountry-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressCountry requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressPostalZipCode in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressPostalZipCode-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressPostalZipCode requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Missing 6055300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-Unexpected 6055300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EntityAddressStateOrProvince in the {context}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-{otherTags}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressStateOrProvince requires a non-empty value for at least one of {otherTags} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0553-EntityAddressStateOrProvince-{otherTag}-Missing 6055300 In submission type {subType}, EntityAddressStateOrProvince requires {otherTag} in the same context, {contextID}. 6.5.53
dq-0554-AuditorFirmId-Unexpected 6055400 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AuditorFirmId in the {context}. 6.5.54
dq-0554-AuditorLocation-Unexpected 6055400 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AuditorLocation in the {context}. 6.5.54
dq-0554-AuditorName-Unexpected 6055400 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AuditorName in the {context}. 6.5.54
dq-0555-AdditionalSecurities462b-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AdditionalSecurities462b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-AdditionalSecurities462b-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AdditionalSecurities462b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-AdditionalSecurities462bFileNumber-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AdditionalSecurities462bFileNumber in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-AdditionalSecurities462bFileNumber-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AdditionalSecurities462bFileNumber in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-AdditionalSecuritiesEffective413b-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for AdditionalSecuritiesEffective413b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-AdditionalSecuritiesEffective413b-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for AdditionalSecuritiesEffective413b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-ApproximateDateOfCommencementOfProposedSaleToThePublic-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for ApproximateDateOfCommencementOfProposedSaleToThePublic in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-ApproximateDateOfCommencementOfProposedSaleToThePublic-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for ApproximateDateOfCommencementOfProposedSaleToThePublic in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DelayedOrContinuousOffering-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DelayedOrContinuousOffering in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DelayedOrContinuousOffering-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DelayedOrContinuousOffering in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DividendOrInterestReinvestmentPlanOnly-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DividendOrInterestReinvestmentPlanOnly in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DividendOrInterestReinvestmentPlanOnly-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DividendOrInterestReinvestmentPlanOnly in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-DocumentRegistrationStatement-{value} 6055500 In submission type {subType}, DocumentRegistrationStatement value should have {value} in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveAfter60Days486a-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EffectiveAfter60Days486a in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveAfter60Days486a-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EffectiveAfter60Days486a in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveUponFiling462e-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EffectiveUponFiling462e in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveUponFiling462e-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EffectiveUponFiling462e in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveUponFiling486b-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EffectiveUponFiling486b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveUponFiling486b-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EffectiveUponFiling486b in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveWhenDeclaredSection8c-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for EffectiveWhenDeclaredSection8c in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-EffectiveWhenDeclaredSection8c-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for EffectiveWhenDeclaredSection8c in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActRegistration-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for InvestmentCompanyActRegistration in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActRegistration-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for InvestmentCompanyActRegistration in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-NewEffectiveDateForPreviousFiling-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for NewEffectiveDateForPreviousFiling in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-NewEffectiveDateForPreviousFiling-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for NewEffectiveDateForPreviousFiling in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendment-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for PostEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendment-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for PostEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendment-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for PreEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendment-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for PreEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:*-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:* in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:*-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:* in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:BusinessDevelopmentCompanyFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:BusinessDevelopmentCompanyFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:BusinessDevelopmentCompanyFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:BusinessDevelopmentCompanyFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:IntervalFundFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:IntervalFundFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:IntervalFundFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:IntervalFundFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:PrimaryShelfFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:PrimaryShelfFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:PrimaryShelfFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:PrimaryShelfFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:RegisteredClosedEndFundFlag-Missing 6055500 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for cef:RegisteredClosedEndFundFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-cef:RegisteredClosedEndFundFlag-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for cef:RegisteredClosedEndFundFlag in the {context}. 6.5.55
dq-0555-{taxonomy}-Facts-Unexpected 6055500 Submission type {subType} should not report {taxonomy} namespace facts. 6.5.55
dq-0556-vip:*-Missing 6055600 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for vip:* in the {context}. 6.5.56
dq-0556-vip:*-Unexpected 6055600 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for vip:* in the {context}. 6.5.56
dq-0556-{taxonomy}-Facts-Unexpected 6055600 Submission type {subType} should not report {taxonomy} namespace facts. 6.5.56
dq-0557-Class-Id-Member-Not-Axis-Member 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have {classIdMember} as a member of the Class Axis. {refSources} 6.5.57
dq-0557-Class-Id-Member-Not-Declared 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have {classIdMember} declared as a domainItemType element. 6.5.57
dq-0557-Class-Id-Member-Not-In-Context 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have a context with {classIdMember} as a member of the Class Axis. 6.5.57
dq-0557-NoTradingSymbolFlag-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for NoTradingSymbolFlag in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-SecurityExchangeName-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for SecurityExchangeName in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-TradingSymbol-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for TradingSymbol in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:ClassName-Missing 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for oef:ClassName in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:ClassName-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for oef:ClassName in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:FundName-Missing 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for oef:FundName in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:FundName-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for oef:FundName in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:ShareholderReportAnnualOrSemiAnnual-Missing 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for oef:ShareholderReportAnnualOrSemiAnnual in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-oef:ShareholderReportAnnualOrSemiAnnual-Unexpected 6055700 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for oef:ShareholderReportAnnualOrSemiAnnual in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-{tags}-Exclusive-Presence 6055700 In submission type {subType}, one of {tags} should be present in context {contextID}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-{tags}-Missing 6055700 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for at least one of {tags} in the {context}. 6.5.57
dq-0557-{tags}-{otherTags}-Exclusive-Dependency 6055700 In submission type {subType}, one of {tags} should have a value if one of {otherTags} has a value in context {contextID}. 6.5.57
dq-0712-Presentation-Base-Set-Order 6071200 Role '{descriptionX}', a level {levelX} role, appears before '{descriptionY}', a level {levelY} role. {refSources} 6.7.12
dq-0902-sro:CmspActnIntdsToTakeForStpTextBlock-Missing 605590200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for sro:CmspActnIntdsToTakeForStpTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0902-sro:CmspActnIntdsToTakeForStpTextBlock-Unexpected 605590200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for sro:CmspActnIntdsToTakeForStpTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0902-sro:CmspStpPlcyPrcdrSmryTextBlock-Missing 605590200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for sro:CmspStpPlcyPrcdrSmryTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0902-sro:CmspStpPlcyPrcdrSmryTextBlock-Unexpected 605590200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for sro:CmspStpPlcyPrcdrSmryTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0902-sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock-Missing 605590200 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0902-sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock-Unexpected 605590200 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0903-sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock-Missing 605590300 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0903-sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock-Unexpected 605590300 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock in the {context}.
dq-0904-DocumentPeriodEndDate-ExpectedValue 605590400 In submission type {subType}, DocumentPeriodEndDate value, {value}, should {qualifier}{expectedValue} in the {contextID}.
dq-0904-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Missing 605590400 Submission type {subType} should have a non-empty value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}.
dq-0904-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Unexpected 605590400 Submission type {subType} should not have a value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}.
dq-sro-1yr-period 605590200 In submission type {subType}, sro:CmspStpPlcyPrcdrSmryTextBlock should have a one-year period ending on {otherTag} in context {contextID}.
dq-sro-1yr-period 605590200 In submission type {subType}, sro:CmspActnIntdsToTakeForStpTextBlock should have a one-year period ending on {otherTag} in context {contextID}.
dq-sro-1yr-period 605590200 In submission type {subType}, sro:CmspStpPrgrsTextBlock should have a one-year period ending on {otherTag} in context {contextID}.
dq-sro-monthly-facts 605590300 In submission type {subType}, there should at least one fact per month of reporting year, missing months {missingMonths}.
dqc-0001-Axis-with-Inappropriate-Members 60000000 Axis with Inappropriate Members
dqc-0004-Element-Values-Are-Equal 60000000 Element Values Are Equal
dqc-0005-Context-Dates-After-Period-End-Date 60000000 Context Dates After Period End Date
dqc-0006-DEI-and-Block-Tag-Date-Contexts 60000000 DEI and Block Tag Date Contexts
dqc-0008-Reversed-Calculation 60000000 Reversed Calculation
dqc-0009-Element-A-must-be-less-than-or-equal-to-Element-B 60000000 Element A must be less than or equal to Element B
dqc-0013-Negative-Values-With-Dependence 60000000 Negative Values With Dependence
dqc-0014-Negative-Values-With-No-Dimensions 60000000 Negative Values With No Dimensions
dqc-0015-Negative-Values 60000000 Negative Values
dqc-0033-Document-Period-End-Date-Context 60000000 Document Period End Date Context
dqc-0036-Document-Period-End-Date-Context-Fact-Value-Check 60000000 Document Period End Date Context Fact Value Check
dqc-0041-Axis-with-a-Default-Member-that-Differs-from-the-Base-Taxonomy 60000000 Axis with a Default Member that Differs from the Base Taxonomy
dqc-0043-Incorrect-Calculation-Weights-in-Operating-Cash-Flows 60000000 Incorrect Calculation Weights in Operating Cash Flows
dqc-0044-Accrual-Items-used-in-Investing-or-Financing-Cash-Flow-Reconciliation 60000000 Accrual Items used in Investing or Financing Cash Flow Reconciliation
dqc-0045-Movement-of-Concepts-between-Calculation-Trees 60000000 Movement of Concepts between Calculation Trees
dqc-0046-Inappropriate-Calculation-Descendent 60000000 Inappropriate Calculation Descendent
dqc-0047-Calculation-Descendants-with-No-Balance-Type 60000000 Calculation Descendants with No Balance Type
dqc-0048-Required-Calculation-Parent-Element-in-the-Cash-Flow-Statement 60000000 Required Calculation Parent Element in the Cash Flow Statement
dqc-0051-Before-Tax-Items 60000000 Before Tax Items
dqc-0052-Member-Values 60000000 Member Values
dqc-0053-Excluded-Members-from-an-Axis 60000000 Excluded Members from an Axis
dqc-0054-Excluded-Dimensions-from-a-Table 60000000 Excluded Dimensions from a Table
dqc-0055-Required-Member-on-An-Axis 60000000 Required Member on An Axis
dqc-0057-Cash-Flow-Opening-and-Closing-Balances 60000000 Cash Flow Opening and Closing Balances
dqc-0060-Element-Dependence-for-Specific-Elements 60000000 Element Dependence for Specific Elements
dqc-0061-Cash-Flow-Continuing-Operations-Elements-not-Used 60000000 Cash Flow Continuing Operations Elements not Used
dqc-0062-No-Fact-Value-for-Change-in-Cash 60000000 No Fact Value for Change in Cash
dqc-0065-Interest-Paid-Net-(Operating)-Not-on-Cash-Flow 60000000 Interest Paid Net (Operating) Not on Cash Flow
dqc-0068-Geographical-Axis-Used-with-Pension-Line-Items 60000000 Geographical Axis Used with Pension Line Items
dqc-0069-Plan-Asset-Categories-Component-Members 60000000 Plan Asset Categories Component Members
dqc-0070-Plan-Asset-Dimensional-Aggregation 60000000 Plan Asset Dimensional Aggregation
dqc-0071-Revenue/Cost-Single-Member 60000000 Revenue/Cost Single Member
dqc-0072-Plan-Asset-Categories-Percentage 60000000 Plan Asset Categories Percentage
dqc-0073-Plan-Asset-Categories-Permissible-Line-Items 60000000 Plan Asset Categories Permissible Line Items
dqc-0076-Performance-Obligations-With-No-Durations 60000000 Performance Obligations With No Durations
dqc-0077-Satisfaction-Period-With-No-Satisfaction-Start-Date-Axis 60000000 Satisfaction Period With No Satisfaction Start Date Axis
dqc-0078-Ownership-Interest-With-No-Ownership-Axis 60000000 Ownership Interest With No Ownership Axis
dqc-0079-Extension-Members 60000000 Extension Members
dqc-0084-Durational-Aggregation 60000000 Durational Aggregation
dqc-0085-Deferred-Tax-Assets-&-Liabilities 60000000 Deferred Tax Assets & Liabilities
dqc-0089-Invalid-Elements-Used-On-Range-Axis 60000000 Invalid Elements Used On Range Axis
dqc-0090-Incorrect-Calculation-of-Operating-Lease-Liability-Payments-Due 60000000 Incorrect Calculation of Operating Lease Liability Payments Due
dqc-0091-Invalid-Value-for-Percentage-Items 60000000 Invalid Value for Percentage Items
dqc-0095-Scale---Common-Stock-Outstanding 60000000 Scale - Common Stock Outstanding
dqc-0098-Liability-Revenue-Recognized 60000000 Liability Revenue Recognized
dqc-0099-FS-with-No-Associated-Calculation 60000000 FS with No Associated Calculation
du-0709-Role-Ending-Mismatch 6070900 RoleType {roleType} should end with /role/{mnemonic name} 6.7.9
du-0713-Arcrole-Ending-Mismatch 6071300 ArcroleType {arcroleType} should end with /arcrole/{mnemonic name} 6.7.13
ix-0514-Hidden-Fact-Eligible-For-Transform 502051400 WARN: {countEligible} fact(s) appearing in ix:hidden were eligible for transformation: {elements} - {refSources}
ix-0514-Hidden-Fact-Multiple-References 502051400 WARN: {element} is referenced by {countReferences} -sec-ix-hidden style properties: {id}. {refSources}
ix-0514-Hidden-Fact-Not-Referenced 502051400 WARN: {countUnreferenced} fact(s) appearing in ix:hidden were not referenced by any -sec-ix-hidden style property: {elements} - {refSources}
rq-1206-Multiple-Root-Nodes 6120600 Presentation group ''{linkroleName}'' has multiple root nodes. XBRL allows unordered root nodes, but rendering requires ordering. They will instead be ordered by their labels. To avoid undesirable ordering of axes and primary items across multiple root nodes, rearrange the presentation relationships to have only a single root node. 6.12.6
rq-1207-Period-Type-Preferred-Label-Mismatch 6120700 In ''{linkroleName}'', element {conceptTo} has period type 'duration' but is given a preferred label {preferredLabelValue} when shown under parent {conceptFrom}. The preferred label will be ignored. 6.12.7
rq-1208-Axis-Requires-Domain-Child 6120800 The presentation group ''{linkroleName}'' contains an axis {axis} with no domain element children, which effectively filters out every fact 6.12.8
rq-1209-Presented-Units-Incomplete-Order 6120900 Units of measure {foundMeasureSet} were found in ''{linkroleName}'' but the facts presented use these additional units of measure: {missingMeasureSet}. Add presentation relationships to provide a definite ordering of these additional units in output. 6.12.9
rq-2601-All-Facts-Filtered 6260100 The presentation group ''{linkroleName}'' contains {axisSet}, which has (have) no default member in the presentation group. Since every fact in the group is defaulted on this (these) axis (axes), all facts have been filtered out. 6.26.1
rq-2602-Instant-Without-Matching-Duration 6260200 In ''{linkroleName}'', fact {fact} with value {value} and preferred label {preferredLabelValue}, was not shown because there are no facts in a duration {startOrEnd} at {date}. Change the preferred label role or add facts. 6.26.2
rq-2603-No-Matching-Durations 6260300 The presentation group ''{linkroleName}'' is a statement of changes in equity, but it has no duration-type facts matching the instant-type facts shown. Add duration-type facts that represent the changes from instant to instant, or do not label the presentation group a statement of changes. 6.26.3
rq-2606-Axis-Has-No-Order 6260600 In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with context {contextID}, the axis {axis} was not given an order in the presentation group {linkroleDefinition}. The axes are being sorted by their labels. 6.26.6
rq-2607-Bar-Chart-Has-No-Facts 6260700 In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with context {contextID}, is a bar chart figure that has zero facts. If a bar chart figure is not wanted here, consider removing the text block fact; otherwise, determine why all its facts are being filtered out. 6.26.7
rq-2609-Primary-Axis-On-Rows 6260900 In ''{linkroleName}'' the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with context {contextID} contains an iterator "column primary" even though the definition text of {linkroleDefinition} contains the "{{Elements}" qualifier. The primary axis will remain on the rows. 6.26.9

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 21, 2024