MMSD - Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

09/05/2024 | News release | Archived content

MMSD Green Luminary® Award | Trinity Woods

Trinity Woods is a unique intergenerational housing community situated on the picturesque Mt. Mary University Campus. A combination of porous pavement, three large bioswales, and a wide variety of deep-rooted native plants help capture and soak up nearly 700,00 gallons of rainwater each time it rains, preventing it from running off into the local waterways and sewer system. Two of the bioswales are situated on either side of a unique water feature, adding additional visual interest to the already beautiful grounds on the campus. The deep-rooted native plants also provide valuable habitat for wildlife and pollinators.

The project came about through a unique, three-way partnership between Mount Mary University, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and Milwaukee Catholic Home. It is home to independent living seniors, retired School Sisters of Notre Dame, and undergraduate student single mothers with children under 12. In addition to a wide array of amenities and services, including a child daycare center, the grounds are highlighted by open green spaces, outdoor walking paths, and private courtyards with gardens and patios that overlook the Mount Mary University woods.