City of Baytown, TX

09/10/2024 | News release | Archived content

City Sponsored Rezoning - Blue Heron Parkway Corridor

Requested Action

The goal of the City Sponsored Rezoning is to provide flexibility to property owners to expand existing commercial uses or develop new commercial uses without the need for extra layers of compliance such as (SUP, Rezone etc.). This zoning district is the most restrictive of the districts and makes any future development impossible without seeking a zoning map amendment.

About City Sponsored Rezoning

This is a City Sponsored Rezoning which differs from a typical Zoning Map Amendment in several ways including:

  • The rezoning request is proposed entirely by the City, no external application was involved in the request.
  • The proposed rezoning is determined from staff input and citizen feedback.
  • In addition to following all of the established procedures for a zoning map amendment this rezoning will include enhanced public engagement from an open house and mailing campaign as an additional means to engage the community


The subject area was annexed into the City of Baytown as part of two separate annexations, the Crosby annexation and Blue Heron Parkway annexation, happening in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Per the Unified Land Development Code () whenever a tract of land is annexed into Baytown city limits it must enter under the Open Space/Recreation () zoning district. This zoning district is the most restrictive of the districts and makes any future development impossible without seeking a zoning map amendment. In a typical situation this would mean that before any prospective development an individual would have to seek a rezoning on a property by property basis. To jumpstart activity and have a guiding hand in the type of development in the area the city pursued the rezoning of a large portion of the property along this corridor to provide a unified and desired environment for the community.

This rezoning included much more engagement than what is seen during the typical rezoning process. This is due to the heavy importance placed on community feedback when deciding the proposed zoning for the subject property. In addition, review the City Sponsored Zoning Process infographic below to familiarize yourself with what steps come next. After citizen engagement, a neighborhood open house, and online feedback, the proposed rezoning request was determined.

City Sponsored Zoning Process

City Initiates the Rezoning

A city sponsored rezoning occurs when the city has identified an area in need of a collective rezoning to enable the desired development. Typically this occurs at areas recently annexted into the city.

Community Feedback is Gathered

Additional engagement is done in the form of mailings, survey, open houses etc. in order to gather community feedback on what type of development they want to see in the area.

Zoning Designations Recommendations are Determined

After reviewing the feedback from the community and completing staff assessments, the city will propose a rezoning plan that best meets the needs of the area.

Public Hearing and Recommendation

The rest of the proces shappens similar to a typical rezoning. A public hearing before Planning and Zoning Commission leading to their recommendation for City Council and final public hearing. Residents of the area will be notified by mail prior to these hearings.

Final Public Hearing and Action

City Council holds the final Public Hearing and votes on the final decision. Anyone can sign up to speak at the Public Hearing, same as the last. This is the final step.

Contact Project Manager

Francesca Linder

Neighborhood Planning Manager, City of Baytown

Trevor Harlow

Interim Current Planning Manager, City of Baytown

Important Dates

  • Neighborhood Open House - October 17, 2022
  • Public Hearing (Planning & Zoning Commission) - December 20, 2022 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
  • Online City Council Comment Period Closes - January 26, 2023
  • City Council Discussion Item (City Council Work Session) - January 26, 2023
  • Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance (City Council) - February 9th, 2023 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
  • Consideration of Ordinance (City Council) - March 9th, 2023 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)

This application was approved by City Council on March 9, 2023.