Government of Samoa

08/26/2024 | News release | Archived content


Samoa is currently in its dry season (May to October), during which rainfall patterns vary significantly by location. Recent observations indicate that several areas have experienced below-average rainfall over the 6-month and 12-month periods compared to normal conditions.

In response to these significant variations, the public is advised to take necessary measures to mitigate the impacts of prolonged dry spells. It is strongly recommended that the public refrain from open burning of rubbish due to the increased risk of forest and bush fires.

The public is also advised to conserve, store and manage water supplies and sources sustainably. Due to below average rainfall in some parts of Samoa, there is reduced groundwater recharge and diminished surface water flow and availability.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment through the Samoa Meteorology Division, Water Resources Division, Forestry Division and the Disaster Management Office will continue to collaborate closely with the Samoa Water Authority, the Independent Water Schemes Association, the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority (SFESA) and other key agencies in response to continuing dry spells.

For further information, please contact the Meteorology Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, at +67200 / +685 20855.




O lo'o ua iai nei Sāmoa i le vaitau mātūtū (dry season) e pei ona māsani ai mai i masina o Mē ia Oketopa o tausaga taitasi. O māsina nei e fa'amauina ai le ese'ese o le suātimu maua i vaega ese'ese o Sāmoa. E tusa ai ma fa'amaumauga a le Vāēga o Vā'aitau, e iai vāēga o le atunu'u ua maitauina ai le matuā'i fa'aītiītia o le suātimu maua i le ono (6) ma le sefulu ma le lua (12) māsina talu ai, pe a fa'atusa ile suātimu māsani sa tatāu ona maua i nei masina.

Fa'atulagāna 1: Suātimu sa fa'amauina i vāēga o Sāmoa.

3 māsina

Tulaga māsani aga'i pe sili atu i le tūlāga māsani le suātimu sa faamauina i isi vāēga o Samoa. Maualalo ifo ile tūlaga māsani o le suātimu na faamauina i vāēga i Saute ma vāēga tūtotonu o Upolu aemaise o vaega i Sisifo ma vāēga tūtotonu o Savai'i.

I le tali atu i nei fesuisuiā'iga i le suātimu maua, ua fautuaina le mamālu o le atunu'u ina ia fa'atino gaioiga talafeagai e tu'uitiitia ai a'afiaga o le fa'a'umi'umi ona lē maua o se suātimu.

E matuā'i fautuaīna le mamālu o le atunu'u ina ia alo ese mai le susūnuina o lāpisi ma le faia o tafuna'i ona ole tūlaga lamatia i malaia ma mū-togāvao. E fautuina fo'i le mamālu o le atunu'u ina ia fa'asao ma fuafua tatāu le fa'aāogāīna o le suāvai. O le fa'aītiītia o le suātimu maua i nisi o vāēga o le atunu'u, e ōno a'afia ai nofoāga apovai, ma uti'uti ai le suāvai maua.

O le a fa'aāuāu pea galuega mata'itū a le Matāgaluega o Punaoa Fa'alenātura ma le Si'osi'omaga tauāla atu ile Vāēga o Vā'aitau, Vāēga o Puna'oa ole Suāvai, ma le Ofisa o Fa'afoēga o Fa'alavelave Matuiā fa'atasi ai ma le galulūe so'oso'o tau'au ma Pūlega o le Suāvai, Suāvai Tūma'oti, Ofisa o Tinei Mū aemaise o isi itūtino uma o le Mālō e tulimata'i ma tali atu i suiga uma o le a iai le suātimu maua ma tu'uina atu fa'amatalaga talafeagai.

Mo nisi fa'amatalaga, fa'amolemole fa'afeso'ota'i mai le Vāēga o Vā'aitau, Matāgaluega o Puna'oa Fa'alenātura ma le Si'osi'omaga i le telefoni 67200 po o le 20855.


Tapena ma Tuufaatasia - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Samoa

September 13, 2024