EFTA Surveillance Authority

12/18/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/19/2023 05:42

ESA approves investment aid for the relocation and construction of a new airport in Bodø

The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has today concluded that the funding by the Norwegian State and the municipal authorities for the relocation of Bodø Airport complies with EEA state aid rules.

The main objective of the aid is to allow for regional development in and around the city of Bodø. The measure will provide Avinor, an airport-management company owned by the Norwegian State, with the necessary means to relocate the city's airport through the construction of a new airport.

The relocation of the existing airport will allow for the development of the land where the existing airport is situated, and for this area to be integrated into the city of Bodø. The relocation will thus contribute to regional development through use of the existing airport area for such purposes.

First, Bodø needs new suitable areas to preserve and develop its role as an important hub in the region. Second, when the relocation takes place, this will be a regional development that has benefits for the population of Bodø also through a reduced environmental and health impact. In addition, If the relocation would not take place, the alternative would be to establish new urban areas other places outside the city centre. This would not solve the need for attractive areas in proximity to the city centre.

The recipient of the aid is Avinor. The relocation of the airport will be financed by the State, the Municipality of Bodø, Nordland County and Avinor.

The total recommended cost frame of the project is NOK 7 565 million of which state aid to Avinor accounts for NOK 5068 million (EUR 427 million).

Read ESAs decision here.

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