Neurosoft SA

07/08/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Cybersecurity Posture Evaluation for Small and Medium Enterprises

In today's digital landscape, cyberattacks pose a constant threat to organizations of all sizes, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). But fear not! There exists a powerful strategy to protect your data and systems: The Layered Approach to Cybersecurity. This approach has inspired us to create a comprehensive Security Posture Evaluation, aimed at helping our clients implement a robust cybersecurity strategy. First, let's quickly examine the market landscape and the challenges that drive SMEs to adopt a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to drive business growth.

  • Wide attack landscape & cyber risk

The growing range of cyber threats and increasing cyber risks are driving organizations to bolster their cybersecurity measures for several key reasons. The interconnection of devices and digital platforms is creating more opportunities for cyber threats, making organizations susceptible to advanced attacks such as ransomware, phishing, and data breaches. Additionally, the growing prevalence of remote work and cloud-based services is further expanding the potential for attacks, emphasizing the need for strong security protocols to safeguard sensitive data and infrastructure.

  • Broader business & compliance challenges

Organizations face major business and compliance challenges in cybersecurity. These stem from the ever-growing regulatory requirements, concerns regarding third-party risk management, the need for user awareness and training, and the importance of effective incident response and recovery capabilities. These challenges highlight the necessity for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies that adhere to regulatory mandates, promote a culture of security awareness, prioritize and mitigate risks, and ensure compliance while safeguarding critical assets and data.

  • Lack of manpower & expertise

Businesses still struggle to attract and retain talent, particularly in fields like cybersecurity. Cybersecurity industry alone, is facing a global talent shortage of 3.5 million by 2023 that will remain stable at least until 2025. By leveraging Cyber Security services from MSSPs, organizations can access a team of dedicated security professionals without the need for extensive in-house resources, enabling them to enhance their security posture, mitigate risks, and comply with regulatory requirements more effectively.

  • Customer trust & peace of mind

Enhancing cybersecurity posture helps organizations gain customer trust and peace of mind by showcasing a dedication to safeguarding sensitive data and upholding operational integrity. When customers observe that their personal information and transactions are secure, they are more inclined to trust the organization with their data and ongoing business. A robust cybersecurity posture also lowers the risk of disruptions caused by cyber incidents, guaranteeing dependable services and operations. This in turn fosters confidence among customers and a sense of security within the organization

Layered Approach to Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is often conceptualized in terms of a layered approach to protection, typically using the concept of defense in depth. Implementing these layers collectively provides a comprehensive defense strategy against various cyber threats, with each layer contributing to overall security resilience and risk mitigation.

Τhe key layers of the Layered Approach to Cybersecurity

Imagine your cybersecurity like a well-fortified castle. Just as a castle has multiple layers of defense (walls, moats, guards), a layered security approach utilizes various tools and techniques to impede attackers at different points.

  • The Human Layer: This layer is all about Employee Training. It equips employees with the knowledge to identify and thwart phishing attempts, social engineering and other cyber threats, giving them the power to be the first line of defense.
  • Perimeter Security Layer: Think of firewalls as the protective barriers around your network fortress. They carefully filter all incoming and outgoing traffic, using predefined security rules to keep the bad stuff out.
  • Network Security Layer: Network Segmentation functions like the troops into the fortress. It strategically divides the network into smaller, easier to protect segments, making it harder for an attack to spread and cause damage.
  • Endpoint Security Layer: Don't forget about the Endpoint Security Layer, an additional defense for your fortress. This layer includes Antivirus and Anti-Malware to shield individual devices from malicious software and viruses. It also features Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) to keep a close watch for threats and act swiftly in case of any incidents.
  • Application Security Layer: This layer acts like the guardian of software and devices from threats. Secure coding practices and vulnerability management tools shield applications from exploits. ️ Data Security Layer: Encryption safeguards sensitive data at rest and in transit, making it unreadable even if intercepted. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) prevents sensitive data from being accessed, misused, or lost.

Known as "defense in depth," this comprehensive strategy reduces the likelihood of successful attacks and minimizes potential damage, as you can ensure that even if one defense is compromised, others will continue to protect your critical assets. However, a major question arises: Are SMEs mature enough to effectively embrace such an approach to safeguard their assets and reputation from cyber threats, or are they still grappling with immaturity in their approach to security?

Cybersecurity Posture Evaluation for Small and Medium Enterprises by Neurosoft

Dear SMEs,

Neurosoft's approach is to assist Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in adopting a cybersecurity strategy, by tailoring for you a special plan to assess your cybersecurity maturity, embrace the layered approach to cybersecurity and fortify in depth your defenses today. Let's outline the crucial steps involved:

User Security & Phishing Awareness: In this phase, we will address the Human Layer, acknowledging that employees are frequently the most vulnerable aspect of the security chain. Consequently, it is imperative for organizations to prioritize empowering their end-users to serve as the final line of defense. This approach fosters the establishment of a robust security culture, effectively creating a human firewall. The primary objectives include the following:

  • Understanding the threats and their direct impact on the company's security
  • Learning how to protect oneself from the most common types of attacks
  • Acquiring the knowledge to safely utilize basic services (e.g., email, web browsing)
  • Understanding the appropriate course of action upon becoming aware of an attempted breach of Information Security

Perimeter Security Evaluation: Focusing on the Perimeter Security Layer, Neurosoft's Security Team will identify potential vulnerabilities of infrastructure systems in the external network. The principal objectives include the following:

  • Minimizing impact by rectifying issues and implementing best practices in the public-facing infrastructure
  • Identifying attack paths to enable the organization to intercept attacks at any stage of the Attack Kill Chain
  • Identifying and remedying vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that affect the organization's assets
  • Identifying assets vulnerable to external malicious actors

Security Maturity Assessment: Neurosoft's Security Maturity Assessment is designed to support businesses in advancing their cybersecurity posture, strengthening security capabilities, and meeting new directives, including NIS 2 and DORA. The key objectives of the assessment include the following:

  • Evaluating the organization's current security posture, identifying vulnerabilities, and assessing compliance with industry standards and regulations
  • Highlighting areas where the organization may lack cybersecurity maturity and recommending appropriate remediation measures

Unified Report: The next step in this journey to assist SMEs in implementing a mature and effective cybersecurity strategy is to create a Unified Report tailored to each customer's needs, consisted of the following:

  • Findings: The report will include all findings of the provided services and their criticality.
  • Recommendations: Neurosoft experts will provide technical and operational recommendations based on the specific client's environment and the criticality of the findings.
  • Prioritization: All recommendations will be prioritized with a risk-based approach so that customers can have quick wins and enhancements on their cybersecurity posture.
  • Roadmap: Our team will guide customers in mitigating gaps, and create a tailored roadmap.

Don't leave your business vulnerable to cyber threats.

Get in touch with Neurosoft experts and discover the power of Cybersecurity Posture Evaluation: [email protected]