NASA - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration

07/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 10:29

ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/23/2024

Boeing CST-100 Crewed Flight Test (CFT): The CFT crew assisted the ISS crew by performing payload activities. They completed the ArgUS 1-1 sub-payloads installation and several Thor-Davis sessions.


ArgUS 1-1: The ArgUS 1-1 sub-payloads were installed onto the ArgUS Multi Payload Platform and stowed in the NanoRacks Airlock (NRAL). More information about this investigation can be found here.

KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT): The crew installed a USB drive to allow the ground to upload new software. More information on the KERMIT facility can be found here.

Thor-Davis: The crew set up the Thor-Davis experiment hardware and observed several thunderstorm areas for targets of interest. Thor-Davis studies the interaction of thunderstorms with the upper atmosphere. More information on this experiment can be found here.


Four Bed Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (FBCO2) Air Save Pump (ASP) Remove and Replace (R&R): The crew performed an R&R of the ASP within FBCO2. Recently the ASP has been showing signs of degradation and has needed to be replaced. The FBCO2 is one of three CO2 scrubbers, along with two CO2 Removal Assemblies (CDRAs), onboard the USOS portion of the ISS.

Crew Quarters (CQ) Deep Cleaning: Today, the crew donned the Ghost Cam-mounted headstrap before performing a deep clean of the Port CQ within Node 2. They cleaned the Intake and Exhaust Ducts, Fans, and Airflow Sensors. Afterwards, they removed the Guide Vanes and cleaned the Intake Airflow Outlet region. The crew also met with ground specialists to walkthrough and review personal airflow customizations made to crew quarters on orbit.

Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Jumper Audit: An audit of the ITCS jumpers was performed to confirm jumper locations and add individual labels to aid in certain loss-of-cooling scenarios. The ITCS provides equipment cooling and heat rejection through a combination of water loops and interface heat exchangers.

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, July 24 (GMT 206)

  • Human Research Facility (HRF) Collections
  • NRAL Payload Mounting Plate and General-Purpose Oceaneering Latching Device-2 (GOLD-2) Installation and Camera Move
  • SABL X CO2 Controller Valve Open
  • SAMS-2 Screen Clean
  • Thigh Cuff Optical Coherence Tomography-2 (OCT-2) and Cardio Ultrasound Scan Operations


  • Node 1 Deep Cleaning Operations
  • COL Stowage Management
  • Node 3 Endcone Cleanout

Beginning Monday, July 29th, the IMC Daily Summary will be discontinued.

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