RMA - Risk Management Agency

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 13:50

Actuarial Release 24 025 Actuarial Information Available

ACTUARIAL RELEASE:Actuarial Release-24-025

United States Department of Agriculture

Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

Risk Management Agency

1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Stop 0801
Washington, DC 20250-0801


July 17, 2024


All Insurance Providers


Scott Paschen /s/ Scott Paschen 7/17/2024


Actuarial Release 24-025 - Actuarial Information Available

As of July 17, 2024 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2025 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30, 6/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

  • 2025 Actuarial Data Master are in the References/Actuarial_Data_Master/2025 directory.

Additional notes and details regarding this data release:

2025 RY ADM Price updated to issue projected price, expected revenue factor, and price volatility for Production Revenue History (PRH) Strawberries in Florida, 4/30 filing.
2025 RY ADM Combo Revenue Factor updated to add Rye in Iowa, Canola in Michigan, 6/30 filing.
2025 RY ADM Layout updated to add Coverage Type Code to ADM Area Coverage Level.

Please notify your data processing representative that this information is available for downloading. For questions regarding the actuarial information, please contact Scott Paschen by phone at 816-926-7589 or via email to: [email protected]

Archived release bulletins are located online at:

USDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider

Risk Management Agency Office

  • 1400 Independence Ave. SW
    Washington, DC 20250