ASEAN - Association of South-East Asian Nations

27/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 27/07/2024 05:20

Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (2025 2029)

This Plan of Action (POA) builds on the strong history of cooperation between ASEAN and Australia since 1974. This POA guides implementation of the goals and objectives of the ASEAN-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP), including Leaders' commitments from annual ASEAN-Australia Summits, the 2024 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Leaders' Vision Statement - Partners for Peace and Prosperity and the Melbourne Declaration - A Partnership for the Future, and relevant joint statements. These statements map out the future direction for the ASEAN-Australia relationship and commit ASEAN and Australia to work together to contribute to the maintenance of peace, prosperity, and stability in the region.

ASEAN and Australia hereby endeavour to pursue cooperation in the following priority areas through the corresponding activities, in conformity with their obligations under international law and in accordance with their respective domestic laws, regulations, and policies on the basis of equal benefit and opportunity for all parties.

Download the full Plan of Action here.