City of Bellevue, WA

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 17:57

Council Roundup: Comprehensive Plan Approval

Published September 27 2024

Plus, budget public hearing and further discussion, Development Services proposed fee rates and a proclamation for school commuting safety

During Tuesday's City Council discussion on final elements of the proposed Comprehensive Plan update, the council unanimously voted to direct staff to draft an ordinance to take action on the plan.

The council expressed their appreciation that the public was given ample time to provide feedback and commended staff on their work. The ordinance for approval is expected to appear before council at the Oct. 22 meeting.

The Comprehensive Plan serves as a roadmap for future growth in Bellevue and is a foundational policy document, guiding growth and development here for the next 20 years.

Full details are available in the meeting materials.

Budget public hearing and further discussion

The council held the second public hearing on the preliminary 2025-2026 Operating Budget and the 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Plan. In addition, councilmembers received information on the details of the preliminary budget's available resources, fees for Development Services, and school impact fees.

During the public hearing, nearly 20 community members shared the priorities they would like to see funded including environmental stewardship, road safety, transit access, pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure and more.

Later, the council reviewed the budget's comprehensive financial policies and fund structure, general taxes and other revenues. The revenue forecast for Bellevue reflects broader economic trends, such as inflation and changes in the construction sector.

The city's 2025-2026 Preliminary Budget assumes a cautious economic recovery, with no proposed rate changes to general taxes but a 1% adjustment in property taxes (applicable only to the Bellevue portion of local property tax bills, which make up 12% of the total bill) to support essential city services. For a home valued at $1.19 million, this adjustment would equate to $11.66 per year.

A series of budget topics will be presented at council meetings over the next two months, with the third and final public hearing held Nov. 12 and tentative budget adoption expected Nov. 19. The full preliminary budget documents, including a new electronic budget book, are available at 2025-26 Preliminary Budget.

Development Services Budget Update

Development Services staff have proposed 2025 rates, informed by the latest cost of services study. The presentation also included updates on school impact fees, with adjustments to the Issaquah and Renton fee schedules. Further details can be found in the council materials.

Proclamation for Walk and Roll to School Day

The council recognized Wednesday, Oct. 9, as Bellevue SchoolPool Walk and Roll to School Day with a proclamation encouraging everyone to consider the safety and health of children traveling to and from school every day.

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