Adam Schiff

08/31/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Rep. Schiff Releases Statement Ahead of Artsakh Independence Day, Reaffirms Commitment to the People of Artsakh

August 31, 2024

Washington, D.C.- Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Vice Chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, released the following statement ahead of Artsakh Independence Day on September 2.

"Today, as we commemorate Artsakh Independence Day, we stand in solidarity with the people of Artsakh who have been tragically driven from their ancestral homelands. Their struggles continue, and we must not turn a blind eye.

"The Azerbaijani government's actions have only deepened the suffering of the Armenian people and underscore the urgent need for international guarantees that ensure those who have been ethnically cleansed from the area are able to go back to their homes. It's critical that the U.S. and the international community lead the efforts in helping these brave people rebuild their lives, from housing and schooling to retraining and economic assistance.

"I also thank the Armenian diaspora for their critical role in raising awareness and in defending the interests of Armenians around the world. On this significant day, let us renew our enduring commitment to the Armenian people of Artsakh and pledge to support their pursuit of peace, security, and economic restoration."

Schiff's 30th Congressional District, which includes the cities of Burbank and Glendale, is home to the largest Armenian diaspora community in the country. In 2019, the U.S. House passed Schiff's resolution officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide with broad bipartisan support.