Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

07/22/2024 | News release | Archived content

Wang Yi Holds Talks with Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer

On July 22, 2024, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer in Beijing.

Wang Yi pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 52 years ago, China and the Maldives have always respected and supported each other, setting a fine example of equality and win-win cooperation between countries large and small. There are no issues between the two countries, only friendship and cooperation. In January this year, President Xi Jinping and President Mohamed Muizzu agreed to elevate China-Maldives relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and work together to build a China-Maldives community with a shared future. Noting that China-Maldives relations are now standing at a new historical starting point, Wang Yi said that China is ready to work with the Maldives to actively implement the important common understandings reached between the two heads of state, carry forward the traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, intensify friendly exchanges at all levels, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and constantly enrich the China-Maldives comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Wang Yi introduced the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. He said, the just-concluded plenum made a well-conceived overall plan for further deepening reform comprehensively and promoting Chinese modernization. It laid out more than 300 important reform tasks, and sent a clear signal of expanding high-standard opening up. He expressed his belief that this will provide new cooperation opportunities for countries around the world, including the Maldives. China is ready to work with the Maldives to carry forward the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, firmly support each other in safeguarding their core interests, further deepen practical cooperation in investment, finance, blue economy, digital economy and green development within the framework of Belt and Road cooperation, and expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges in tourism, education and other fields. China is ready to continue to provide support within its capacity to the Maldives for economic and social development and help the Maldives enhance its capabilities for independent and sustainable development. China is also ready to work with the Maldives to continue to strengthen multilateral cooperation in climate change and other fields, jointly respond to global challenges, uphold true multilateralism, safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice, and sustain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Moosa Zameer said that the Maldives and China enjoy a long history of friendship and China has always been the Maldives' closest cooperative partner. The Maldives warmly congratulates China on the successful conclusion of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and believes that further deepening reform comprehensively and promoting Chinese modernization in China will bring more benefits to the world, which is crucial for all countries in the world, especially developing countries, to jointly tackle global challenges and safeguard world peace and prosperity. China has long provided substantial assistance to support the economic and social development of the Maldives, which has helped the country open up new prospects in its national development, for which the Maldivian side is deeply grateful. The Maldives stays committed to the one-China principle and is ready to continue to actively participate in the Belt and Road cooperation and further deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in economy, trade, finance, tourism, culture and other fields. The Maldivian side highly appreciates and actively supports the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping, and is ready to uphold the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, closely communicate and cooperate with China in international affairs, strengthen mutual support, and make joint efforts towards building a Maldives-China community with a shared future.