Pioneer Bancorp Inc.

12/16/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 16:01

Glens Falls Business Journal: Pioneer Presents A $20,500 Donation To Special Olympics New York At Lake George Polar Plunge

Glens Falls Business Journal: Pioneer Presents A $20,500 Donation To Special Olympics New York At Lake George Polar Plunge

"Led by a hearty group of employees, Pioneer made a major splash when the Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics New York (SONY) was held at Shepard Beach Park in Lake George on Saturday, November 23.

Representatives of Pioneer presented a ceremonial check for $20,500 to Special Olympics New York to support its important work in providing inclusive opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to experience the thrill of competing in authentic sports. Following the check presentation, 20 Pioneer employees joined participants in making the plunge into Lake George."