SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2024 04:19

H.E. the Secretary General met the Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, current ACD Chair, H.E. Dr. Ali Bagheri.

During the 19th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Member States of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) in Tehran on 24 June 2024, on the sidelines, H.E. the Secretary General met the Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, current ACD Chair, H.E. Dr. Ali Bagheri.

They discussed the need of collaboration and sharing of experiences between SAARC and ACD for common cause of advancing closer regional cooperation.

Noting that Iran has an Observer status in SAARC, the Secretary General shared that SAARC is working on how productive and tangible cooperation can be advanced with Observer countries in specific areas.

The Acting Foreign Minister of Iran thanked the SAARC Secretary General for accepting the invitation to participate in the ACD Ministerial Meeting and stated that he looked forward to greater cooperation between the two organisations.

28 June 2024