Rival Technologies Inc.

09/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/05/2024 15:07

Connect, Reward, Retain: Email Address Cards, Rewards Points Integration & SSO

For any market research and insights team, improving customer retention and enriching the overall experience is crucial. Why? Engaged, loyal clients tend to trust your brand more and provide deeper, more valuable insights.That's why we're constantly striving to enhance the ways you collect these insights.

Building on our July release of email distribution tools, our latest update simplifies the process of collecting email addresses, introduces a reward points integration, and adds a single sign-on feature. These updates are designed to help you foster loyalty, engage participants, and gather richer insights.

Here's a closer look at the new features.

Email Address Cards

Collecting participant contact detailsis essential for building and maintaining community profiles, as well as running incentive programs that require direct communication. Our new email address card makes this process seamless and flexible. It improves traceability, enhances communication with your target audience, and supports incentive programs for gathering ideas, opinions, and attitudes about your brand.

The card also includes validation features to ensure the accuracy of email addresses. For participants who prefer not to share their email, they can simply skip the question-offering both flexibility and comfort.

Rewards Points Integration (RPI)

Survey fatigue can lead to participant churn, but a well-designed rewards program can help keep engagement levels high. While creating better surveys is still our top engagement strategy, a points-based rewards program offers an extra incentive to keep participants motivated, especially during promotions, product launches, or other key campaigns.

Clear and appealing incentives encourage participation and reduce the risk of drop-off, leading to more valuable insights from your research.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Managing multiple login credentials and multi-factor authentication (MFA) across platforms can be a hassle-and it increases the risk of phishing. With our single sign-on feature, you can streamline this process. Using the SAML protocol, users can now log into Rival using their organization's SSO credentials, bypassing the need to create new passwords or configure MFA specifically for Rival.

Connect Better, Reward Smarter, Retain Longer

At Rival, we're confident these updates will significantly enhance the platform's value and functionality. By introducing tools that improve participant engagement and generate deeper insights, we're empowering researchers like you to conduct more impactful research. These enhancements elevate the quality of data collection and help uncover richer, more actionable insights-ultimately leading to more successful research outcomes.

Want to see these updates in action? Book a meeting to learn more about how we can support your research needs.