Prime Minister of Australia

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 19:48

Major milestone reached in METRONET for WA

The Prime Minister, Premier of Western Australia and Western Australian Transport Minister have today marked the completion of the entire elevated rail structure as part of the historic METRONET Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project.

The Level Crossing Removal Project will improve safety, reduce congestion and improve travel times in the area, while also creating more than 4300 jobs for Western Australians.

The Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project represents the most significant upgrade ever undertaken on the 131-year-old Armadale Line and will ease congestion for road commuters, while creating six hectares of new public open space for the community.

The project is already delivering positive outcomes for the community with six level crossings removed at intersections at Mint/Archer Street, Oats Street, Welshpool Road, Hamilton Street, Wharf Street and William Street.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

"We value Western Australia and want this beautiful city to have the world leading infrastructure it deserves.

"As a heavy lifter of the nation's economy it is critical that we see benefits flowing back into Perth and Western Australia.

"It's great to be back in Perth to mark this important infrastructure milestone with the Premier that's creating more than 4300 jobs for West Australians."

Quotes attributable to Premier of Western Australia Roger Cook

"Everywhere you look across Perth, METRONET is transforming our suburbs.

"Our elevated rail along the Armadale Line is changing the face of the south-eastern suburbs, delivering new public open space and the quality modern facilities local communities deserve.

"This is what METRONET is all about - better public transport, affordable travel, and creating local jobs across the city."

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King

"METRONET is creating jobs, boosting safety and efficiency, and transforming Perth.

"The Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal and the completion of elevated rail is another significant milestone in this exciting project."

Quotes attributable to Western Australian Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti

"It's been incredible to see the speed at which this structure has been delivered, which is testament to the enormous amount of planning and preparation that has gone into delivering this project.

"The community can see this elevated train line emerging before them, while the massive benefits are already being felt with a number of level crossings already removed along the Armadale Line.

"People who live along the Armadale Line corridor will very soon have access to modern train stations, and new public open spaces and community facilities.

"We know there is significant benefit on the horizon, and we thank the community for their continued patience as we complete the next critical steps for this game-changing project."

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Swan Zaneta Mascarenhas

"The people of Swan, and Perth more broadly, will see the fruits of this massive investment in METRONET for generations.

"The removal of these level crossings will improve commute times, while the addition of new stations will increase the take up in public transport, removing even more traffic from our roads.

"It's a win for everyone."

Quotes attributable to State Member for Cannington Bill Johnston

"This is a really exciting project for our community and it's incredible to see the progress that has been made.

"With elevated rail structure now in place, people can see how this project is going to deliver great outcomes in the years ahead with modern stations and new public open space."

Quotes attributable State Member for Victoria Park Hannah Beazley

"I am thrilled to see the entire elevated structure now in place, but more importantly, I am thrilled to see how much new space has been opened up for the community.

"We're planning to deliver some incredible facilities in the new public open space, which will create a more vibrant and active community for all to enjoy."