DLA - Defense Logistics Agency

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 03:19

National Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Jose (Joe) Lopez-Rivera


Can you tell us about yourself? I was born and raised in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico until the age of 19 when I joined the U.S. Army. We are also a "melting pot" like mainland U.S.A.; typically, we share Spanish, Portuguese, Taino (indigenous people), and African influences in our culture and traditions which remain to this day since the time of Spanish colonization.

Describe your job in a sentence or two. I'm an action officer in the Hazardous Waste Requirements Branch. I'm part of a team of seven hazardous waste disposal contract writers supporting our warfighters worldwide.

Jose (Joe) Lopez-Rivera is an environmental protection specialist with DLA Disposition Services at the Battle Creek, Michigan headquarters. Born in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico he joined the Army at 19.
Jose (Joe) Lopez-Rivera is an environmental protection specialist with DLA Disposition Services at the Battle Creek, Michigan headquarters. Born in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico he joined the Army at 19.
Photo By: File photo
VIRIN: 240616-D-DO441-2345
How long have you worked for the federal government, including military service? I have a combined total of 37 years of federal service.

How long have you worked for DLA Disposition Services? 17 years.

What is your favorite thing about your line of work? Working with our field personnel and customers in solving unique or challenging situations dealing with hazardous waste disposal operations.

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you? "Take care of number one" (meaning self). This is great advice a dear friend of mine gave me a long time ago.

What do you think about when you hear National Hispanic Heritage Awareness Month? It is a time to share with North America who we are. Hispanics are a very diverse group encompassing the Greater Antilles, Central America, and many countries of South America.

Why is it important to you that we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month? I think that it is a great opportunity for Hispanics to shine, to share their cultures and traditions.

The theme for this month's observance is "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together." In your words, briefly explain what this means to you? Working together is imperative to achieve long-lasting changes. Old ideas are fading away, new outlooks in our current society regarding inclusion, diversity, and equality are growing. During that last 10 years I have seen an increased numbers of Hispanics in leadership positions throughout DLA Disposition Services.

What challenges do Hispanics face today and how can understanding history help us overcome them? I can't speak for other Hispanic groups, as such, I'll share the early experience of Puerto Rico since the Spanish-American War in 1898. The Jones-Shafroth Act, also known as the Jones Act of Puerto Rico of 1917, granted U.S. citizenship to anyone born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, but residents of the island can't vote for the U.S. president, and don't have voting representation in Congress. As American citizens, we have served in both World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, The Bosnia Armed conflict, Gulf War, and the War in Afghanistan.

Name a recent book you have read. "Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious Essenes: Lessons from Our Sacred Past," by John Van Auken and Ruben Miller.

Tell us something that most people might not know about you? In addition to my Spanish and Portuguese heritage, I share 36% of Taino Indian DNA.

What was your first job? Besides summer jobs, being an American soldier was my first and very rewarding job.

What is your best memory of working here? My best memories of working at Disposition Services are when I worked out in the field or when I visit field sites gathering requirements for the development of a hazardous waste disposal contract. I visited the Anniston site last month and I was impressed with their management staff and the environmental team. They are very professional, knowledgeable of their craft, very friendly and accommodating, my best experience yet. Kudos to DLA Disposition Services at Anniston.

What did you want to be when you grew up? An archeologist, a lawyer, or a soldier.

Who is your hero? Captain America.

What are your hobbies? Reading, cooking, gardening, walking and fishing.

What is your favorite quote? "Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive."