The National Association for Gun Rights Inc.

09/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 13:00

NAGR Supports Representative Thomas Massie’s Real Constitutional Carry Bill

The National Association for Gun Rights announces its support for Rep. Thomas Massie's (R-KY-4) Real Constitutional Carry bill, H.R. 9534, introduced today in the House of Representatives.

Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that anyone who is a law-abiding gun owner can legally carry a firearm, open or concealed, without a government permit.

"This is the ONLY bill that will ensure all law-abiding Americans can enjoy Real Constitutional Carry without being subjected to outrageous New York-style permit regulations, expensive fees, or ATF intervention on the right to carry," said Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights.

Currently, Americans in 29 states can legally carry a firearm without having to pay fees, fill out forms, or wait for government permission to do so. The bill put forth by Rep. Massie today would extend that right to individuals in every state, restoring the right to keep and bear arms standard enshrined in the Second Amendment.

"Thomas Massie is a gun rights champion, and we support the Real Constitutional Carry bill 100 percent," said Brown. "The right of law-abiding citizens to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their families has been chipped away by gun control zealots for decades. But just in the last ten years, grassroots efforts by NAGR members have gotten Constitutional Carry passed in over two dozen states, and it's time all 50 states enjoy the same freedoms."

The National Association for Gun Rights is collecting petitions to send to Congress in support of H.R. 9534.

The National Association for Gun Rights is the nation's largest "no compromise" pro-gun organization, with 4.5 million members nationwide.