Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan

10/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/16/2024 11:34

EU Statement – UN General Assembly 5th Committee: Programme plan and programme budget for 2025


EU Statement - UN General Assembly 5th Committee: Programme plan and programme budget for 2025

16 October 2024, New York - Statement on behalf of the Member States of the European Union by H.E. Ambassador Hedda Samson, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the 79th Session of the General Assembly Fifth Committee Main Session Items 139 and 140: Programme plan and programme budget for 2025

Madame Chair,

I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Member States of the European Union.

The Candidate Countries Türkiye, North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina*and Georgia, as well as Andorra and Monaco align themselves with this statement.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Secretary-General for his visionary outlook, and to the chairs of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, as well as of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, for presenting their reports on the Proposed Programme Plan and Budget for 2025.

Madame Chair, Mr. Secretary-General,

The UN is experiencing a historic moment following the adoption of the Pact for the Future, which showcases that multilateralism remains the way forward, the path to shaping the future together. In this context, it is the fundamental responsibility of the Fifth Committee to ensure that the United Nations have the means to match the ambitions we collectively set.

To that end, the EU will seek to timely adopt the 2025 Programme Plan and Proposed Programme Budget to ensure the adequate financing of all mandated activities. We are encouraged by last year's timely conclusion of budget negotiations and we are committed to preserving this good practice, on our part.

On the programmatic side, we regret that the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) was unable to reach consensus on sixteen important programmes, despite extended deliberations. The role of the CPC should be upheld, not diluted or transferred to other main committees of the General Assembly, which already have substantial workloads. We therefore reiterate our call for CPC members to actively seek consensus, strengthen the political will for compromise and provide recommendations on all programme plans in the next session, as mandated by the General Assembly resolution.

On the resource side, we encourage you, Mr. Secretary General, to continue striving for greater transparency and comparability of all resources requested, ensuring that the budget provides an accurate and comprehensive picture of the resources needed to deliver on the Organization's mandates in an efficient, impactful and financially responsible manner.

The UN budget encompasses a wide range of priorities, all of which are instrumental for the Organization's effectiveness. Therefore, it is essential that all three pillars of the Organization are treated equally. For this reason, we will continue supporting the efforts to adequately fund the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and consolidate its resources, to address the chronic underfunding of Human Rights. We look forward to your needs assessment and report for increased funding.

In your efforts to reform the Organization and adapt it to the todays pressing needs, we have heard your call on peacebuilding, and fully support your efforts to ensure the proper functioning of the Resident Coordinator system. The European Union has put forward a thoughtful and balanced proposal on RC funding and will spare no effort in working toward a sustainable solution.

Mr. Secretary-General, we commend your continued efforts to make the UN more effective, efficient, results-oriented, transparent, and accountable, with a focus on delivering for all. We support your vision of fostering a culture of accountability and performanceIn particular, we believe the planning and budgetary process can be further improved to provide you with the flexibility needed to strategize and effectively manage for performance and results.

Madame Chair, Mr. Secretary-General,

Our commitment to adopting a budget by consensus must be matched by an equally strong commitment to fulfilling our financial obligations. We are deeply concerned that late, partial, and unpredictable payments continue to lead to liquidity challenges, hinder the United Nations' ability to fulfill its mandates, and drive the Organization into systemic underperformance. We will continue to work toward supporting the Organization, while ensuring that proposed measures do not burden those who consistently meet their obligations. Therefore, we call upon all Member States to pay their contributions in full, on time, and without conditions.

We will spare no endeavour in achieving a consensual outcome on this shared commitment --adequately financing the UN's mandates-and pledge to engage in the discussions constructively, in good faith, and with trust. The Fifth Committee should become the Committee of success stories, the Committee that enables us to address the enormous challenges facing this Organization. To that end, we need to ensure that our deliberations focus on the technical nature of the prerogatives entrusted to the Fifth Committee from a financial and administrative point of view. It is paramount that we leave aside any political and ideological differences and concentrate on striking the right balance that is required to conserve the principle of consensus decision-making.

Mr. Secretary-General, we would like to conclude by commending all those who make our work here possible, and express our sincere gratitude to the UN staff for their unwavering dedication and hard work in delivering the Organization's mandate.

I thank you, Madame Chair.

*North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.