New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 13:36

DEC Forest Rangers – Week in Review

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Forest Rangers respond to search and rescue incidents statewide. Working with other state agencies, local emergency response organizations, and volunteer search and rescue groups, Forest Rangers locate, and extract lost, injured, or distressed people from across New York State.

In 2023, DEC Forest Rangers conducted 370 search and rescue missions, extinguished 146 wildfires covering nearly 1,400 acres, participated in 52 prescribed fires that served to rejuvenate more than 1,000 acres of land, and worked on cases that resulted in hundreds of tickets and arrests.

"Whether they are leading complex search and rescue incidents, suppressing wildfires, enforcing laws on State lands and easements, inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards, or encouraging responsible recreation, Forest Rangers stand ready to help when called," DEC Interim Commissioner Sean Maharsaid. "Forest Rangers' wide-ranging expertise and collaboration with local, State, and federal partners are instrumental in protecting New York's public lands and the many visitors who use them."

Village of Clifton Springs
Ontario County
Wilderness Search: On Sept. 10 at 1:55 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch called Forest Ranger Captain Wickens about a patient who had run away from Clifton Springs Hospital. The 39-year-old from Penn Yan was brought to the hospital for a mental health evaluation but left before the assessment. At 3:15 p.m., the subject was spotted at a residence in Clifton Springs, but when Ontario County Sheriff's Deputies arrived, he ran into the woods behind the home. At 3:45 p.m., Ranger Cordell and an Ontario County Sheriff's Deputy found the subject in a garden on Route 488 and convinced him to stay at that location. A short time later, the subject's wife arrived and took him home. Resources were clear at 4:30 p.m.

Town of Saranac
Clinton County
Wilderness Recovery: On Sept. 12 at 8:15 a.m., New York State Police (NYSP) notified Ray Brook Dispatch that they had found a vehicle at the Cold Brook Public Use Area belonging to a 29-year-old subject from Wisconsin who had been reported missing by his family on Sept. 9. They had not heard from the subject since Aug. 31, and he failed to report to Columbia University after enrolling for the fall semester. Over the next four days, 34 Forest Rangers joined Environmental Conservation Police Officers, recruits from the Forest Ranger Academy, NYSP, New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Clinton County Office of Emergency Services, multiple fire departments, Search and Rescue of the Northern Adirondacks (SARNAK), Adirondack Mountain Rescue, Niagara Frontier Search and Rescue, Community Search and Rescue (COMM SAR), New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, and Clinton County Technical Rescue in the search. Drone crews covered 89 acres. NYSP and Rangers conducted two aviation flights. Search crews covered 240 miles of linear searches via ATV and foot, and 466 acres by foot. The search included hiking trails and the areas with the best views where an accidental fall is most likely to occur. On Sept. 15 at 1 p.m., crews located the subject deceased in a thick, swampy area and turned him over to the Clinton County Coroner.

Town of Hunter
Green County
Wilderness Rescue: On Sept. 12 at 11:40 a.m., Forest Ranger Dempf responded to a call for a hiker who had fallen near Kaaterskill Falls and was bleeding from their arm. At 11:55 a.m., Ranger Dempf reached the 68-year-old from North Carolina who was halfway up the stone step trail. His hiking partner and three good Samaritans used their shirts in an attempt to stop the bleeding and help. Ranger Dempf provided first aid, wrapped the wound, stopped the bleeding, and helped the hiker to the top of the falls where he was met by Ranger Fox, Hunter Police, Hunter Ambulance, and Greene County Paramedics. The subject refused further medical treatment and advised he would get a ride to the hospital from his friend. Resources were clear at 1:30 p.m.

Town of Hunter
Green County
Wilderness Rescue: On Sept. 12 at 2:55 p.m., Greene County Dispatch requested Forest Ranger assistance with a hiker experiencing shortness of breath at the stone step trail at Kaaterskill Falls. At 3:15 p.m., Rangers Dawson and Dempf located the 76-year-old from Schenectady who admitted he had only eaten one piece of coffee cake that day. Hikers should make sure they are hydrated and well-nourished before heading out for an adventure. They should also bring extra food and water in case the hike takes longer than expected. Rangers helped the subject to Ranger Dawson's truck where he rested before walking the rest of the way to the Laurel House parking area. Resources were clear at 4:07 p.m.

Hamlet of Delmar
Albany County
Public Outreach: On Sept. 14, Forest Ranger Dempf and Smokey Bear attended the fall festival at DEC's Five Rivers Environmental Education Center. More than 2,000 people attended the family-friendly environmental celebration featuring hands-on educational activities, interactive exhibits, interpretive walks, and outdoor safety tips from Ranger Dempf and Smokey Bear.

Ranger Dempf and Smokey Bear at Five Rivers

Town of Walton
Delaware County
Training: On Sept. 14, Forest Rangers Bink and Seeley conducted a Basic Search class for the Explorers program, which gives younger individuals a chance to work on searches as part of their work with the Walton Fire Department.

Explorers search class

Town of Denning
Ulster County
Wilderness Search: On Sept. 14 at 10:20 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch was contacted about an overdue hiker who had been dropped off at the Biscuit Brook trailhead at 7:30 a.m. The reporting party indicated the 83-year-old from Shandaken met other hikers at the trailhead and had advised she would get a ride home when she was finished. At 12:55 a.m., Forest Ranger Franceschina and local police checked the hiker's residence and confirmed she had not returned home. Rangers Franceschina and Stratton began linear searches over Big Indian and Fir mountains, where the subject was scheduled to hike. At 1:30 a.m., NYSP received coordinates from the subject's phone on Fir Mountain, but when Rangers arrived at the location, she was not there. At daybreak, five additional Rangers and Catskill Mountain Search and Rescue joined the search. At 10 a.m., the lost hiker sought assistance from a resident on Frost Valley Road. The homeowner called 911 to report the missing subject was lost and at the residence seeking assistance. Lieutenant Slade and Ranger Stratton interviewed and evaluated the subject, who was in good health. At 12:30 p.m., Shandaken Police drove her home.

Town of North Elba
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On Sept. 15 at 11:10 a.m., Assistant Forest Ranger (AFR) Jackson was at the Lake Colden Outpost and heard a loud bang followed by yelling across the lake. At 11:45 a.m., AFR Jackson found a group of hikers. One of them slipped on a plank bridge and temporarily lost consciousness. AFR Jackson helped the 60-year-old across the lake via boat. AFRs Jackson and Patnode walked the subject to Marcy Dam where they were met by Forest Rangers DuChene and Nahor. Ranger DuChene gave the injured party a ride to his vehicle and Ranger Nahor escorted the rest of the group to Adirondak Loj. The injured subject said he would wait for the rest of the group and seek medical attention on his own. Resources were clear at 3:20 p.m.

Be sure to properly prepare and plan before entering the backcountry. Visit DEC's Hike Smart NY, Adirondack Backcountry Information, and Catskill Backcountry Information webpages for more information.

If a person needs a Forest Ranger, whether it's for a search and rescue, to report a wildfire, or to report illegal activity on state lands and easements, they should call 833-NYS-RANGERS. If a person needs urgent assistance, they can call 911. To contact a Forest Ranger for information about a specific location, the DEC website has phone numbers for every Ranger listed by region.