DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 07:25

Gabe Evans Stays Silent As His “Political Director Posts Anti-Semitism, Conspiracies & Calls for Violence”

After his political director was caught spewing conspiracy theories, racist and antisemitic rhetoric, and even called for political violence, Gabe Evans is refusing to denounce her disturbing rhetoric.

The staffer has worked with Gabe Evans since his first run for state house but, as the Colorado Times Recorder reported, "she's been a relentless sharer of antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and calls for political violence for much, much longer."

It's no surprise Evans is staying silent - he himself is an extremist who has pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, cozied up to far-right groups that aim to rewrite the Constitution, and compared same-sex marriage to "incest, pederasty, and bestiality."

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
"Gabe Evans allowed an antisemitic, racist, and violent conspiracy theorist to run his campaign until he got caught. His refusal to disavow this hate is utterly disqualifying. Coloradans deserve so much better."

  • Gabe Evans' Political Director Jessica Spindle has been working to get him elected to office for years, ever since his first run for statehouse in 2022…She's been on staff as Evans' political director for his congressional campaign since April, but she's been a relentless sharer of antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and calls for political violence for much, much longer.

  • She made her most egregious antisemitic post just three months ago, while on Evans' payroll. On June 14, Spindle publicly posted the infamous "Freedom for Humanity" mural, which depicts antisemitic stereotypes of Jewish bankers playing Monopoly on the backs of naked figures. Spindle shared the post from a conspiracy account called Anonymous, which included a single "Okay" hand sign emoji, a symbol that has been co-opted by the alt-right to indicate white power, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

  • During the first summer of the pandemic Spindle shared another antisemitic cartoon depicting a puppeteer's hand controlling marionette strings attached to a mask-wearing man.

  • The original cartoon has been altered to add a sleeve on the hand identifying it "NWO" [New World Order]. She's also posted that COVID-19 was intentionally released by the "New World Order" as a means of controlling the global population.

  • Both the NWO and marionette imagery are well-established antisemitic memes.

  • Spindle, who as a Weld Re-8 school board member is an elected official in her own right, has also posted multiple times in support of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which the Trump Administration's FBI deemed a domestic terror threat.

  • Stefanie Clarke, co-founder of Stop Antisemitism Colorado, called for Evans to fire Spindle and urged her school board colleagues to launch an investigation.

  • "We will not stand by and allow antisemitism to be normalized in our political discourse. Congressional candidate Gabe Evans must not only condemn Jessica Spindle and her post, but also immediately terminate her from his campaign. Anything less would signal to the Jewish community that he believes this to be acceptable rhetoric…"

  • In addition to her antisemitic Facebook posts, Spindle has shared racist memes with violent themes.

  • "I would love this flag! Omg," she wrote on a July 2019 post of an advertisement for a combined American, Gadsden, and Confederate flag.

  • Writing about then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi in April 2020, Spindle wrote, "Someone please shoot her! Our Social Security recipients are Americans that are disabled or worked their whole lives for those benefits. I am pretty sure illegals are the drain in our system. Fuck her. I ever meet her I will spit on this bitch."

  • The "shoot Pelosi" post wasn't Spindle's only invocation of violence. The day after the 2020 election, A commenter agreed with Spindle's lamenting the results the day after the 2020 election, writing, "Just wait until they get taxed very heavily by that idiot and see how they scream bloody murder and there ain't a God damn thing they can do."

  • Spindle has repeatedly posted the election fraud conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was stolen…

  • It's not known if Evans agrees with his political director's antisemitic and racist views. Or with her calls for violence and for Weld County to secede from Colorado. Or if he believes in the QAnon conspiracy theory, as Spindle apparently does. His campaign did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

  • But Evans shares at least some of Spindle's beliefs in election conspiracies. He's refused to say that President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, explaining it isn't a "yes-no" question.

  • The Evans campaign declined to comment as to whether it was aware of its Political Director's online statements.