
HCR - New York State Homes and Community Renewal

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 11:53

Governor Hochul Celebrates Completion of New York City’s ...

Last August, Governor Hochul also announced the Pro-Housing Communities Program. Pro-Housing Community certification is a requirement for localities to access up to $650 million in State discretionary funding. To date, more than 160 communities have been certified, including New York City.

Housing and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said, "The environmentally sustainable coexistence of affordable housing and manufacturing in this $118 million, 174-apartment development offers a promising template for the future. Governor Hochul knows that every thriving community needs both quality homes and business. Bridge Rockaway and the GMDC Brownsville Industrial Center provide both, plus dedicated wraparound services for seniors, veterans and people who have been chronically unhoused. In terms of what this brings to the neighborhood, it is truly a holistic development - the complete package. We at HCR are proud of the part we played, along with our sister agencies, to bring the shared dream of the Bridge and GMDC to fruition."

Empire State Development President, CEO and Commissioner Hope Knight said, "Today's ribbon-cutting for Bridge Rockaway and the GMDC Brownsville Industrial Center is a significant step forward in New York State's commitment to providing affordable housing and driving economic growth in Brooklyn. The inclusion of 39,000 square feet of light manufacturing space not only supports local small businesses but also creates sustainable jobs. This project demonstrates how strategic investments in both housing and manufacturing can uplift communities and build a stronger, more inclusive economy."

Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Commissioner Barbara C. Guinn said, "We are grateful to Governor Hochul for her steadfast commitment to expanding the supply of permanent supportive housing options across New York State and helping vulnerable New Yorkers break the cycle of homelessness. The opening of Bridge Rockaway provides formerly homeless individuals - including those with mental illness, veterans with disabilities and older adults - with much-needed affordable housing in Brownsville, Brooklyn, that includes essential services that will help the residents live safely and successfully in the community."

Greenpoint Manufacturing and Design CenterCEO Brian T. Coleman said, "After nearly eight years of planning, development and construction, we are thrilled to finally open our doors. This project does what no one thought was possible: putting 39,000 square feet of light manufacturing space, more than 170 units of housing, and a community facility on the same site safely and affordably. Now, as we get ready to welcome our first tenants, I thank our partners at The Bridge, Mega Development, and at every level of government for supporting our vision to transform this block and create a stunning new home for businesses and residents in Brownsville."

The Bridge CEO Susan Wiviott said, "When The Bridge conceived this project, our goal was to create much needed supportive and affordable housing while preserving manufacturing uses. This first of its kind project proves a concept that can be replicated across the City. I am deeply grateful to our entire development team, particularly Mega Development, Think! Architecture and Design, and GMDC for seeing this project through to completion. We look forward to welcoming our first residents early next week."

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President & CEO Andrew Kimball said,"GMDC's Brownsville Industrial Center is a fantastic example of a nontraditional approach to addressing two of the City's priorities; providing much-needed new affordable housing while also creating modern manufacturing space and good jobs. NYCEDC congratulates GMDC and its partners on this remarkable project that can set a model as we work toward a more affordable and equitable city."

NYCREDC Co-Chairs Félix V. Matos Rodríguez and William D. Rahm said, "The NYCREDC is proud to support Bridge Rockaway and the GMDC Brownsville Industrial Center, which not only address the critical need for affordable housing but also strengthens Brownsville's economy through job creation in the manufacturing sector. By integrating affordable housing with light manufacturing space, we're creating a vibrant mixed-use environment that will provide both homes and jobs for New Yorkers, fostering long-term benefits for local residents and businesses alike."

State Senator Roxanne J. Persaud said, "Thanks to a concerted effort by state, federal and local government funders, Bridge Rockaway is bringing much-needed housing to Brownsville. Of the 174 units, half will be affordable to households earning up to 70 percent Area Median Income (AMI), and the other half will be supportive units for older New Yorkers, veterans and people who have experienced homelessness. This new development is an exciting opportunity for my constituents."

Assemblymember Latrice Walker said, "It's no secret that we have an affordable housing shortage in New York State. The lack of affordable housing is particularly acute among seniors and those who wage a daily battle against homelessness. Not only does a development like Bridge Rockaway offer affordable units, but the complex also offers 87 apartments with supportive services for seniors, veterans and formerly homeless New Yorkers. I'm also excited about the inclusion of manufacturing space that will create up to 35 jobs. Please count me as a resource if you need help connecting people from the community with those job opportunities."

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, "For too long, our zoning laws lived in the past, ignoring the realities of today and the bold possibilities of tomorrow. This new development in Brownsville, Brooklyn is symbolic of the endless potential that still rests in our City. Affordable and supportive housing, industrial development and community space all come together in one mixed-use development, transforming an entire neighborhood. When we open our doors and say, 'yes' to housing, jobs and opportunity, there's nothing our City cannot do."

New York City Housing, Economic Development and Workforce Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer said, "Congratulations to the entire development team on the opening of this exciting and path-breaking project, one that will deliver 170 units of affordable and supportive housing and roughly 40,000 square feet of industrial space. This $118M project exemplifies the spirit of the City of Yes and a modern, flexible approach to building housing while simultaneously supporting a modern industrial sector."

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso said, "New housing and new jobs are a recipe for economic success, and the Bridge Rockaway and GMDC Brownsville Industrial Center complex brings that mixed-use success to our borough. Thanks to this new complex, our neighbors in eastern Brooklyn will have 174 units of new housing, with 87 apartments dedicated to older adults, veterans, and chronically homeless adults, as well as tens of new manufacturing jobs that will benefit Brooklyn's economy. I am proud to see this mixed-use development come to our borough and thank the many partners who made this day possible."