Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB

07/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/03/2024 03:14

Smoltek has received a new patent for improving the capacitance density of CNF-MIM capacitors

The pat­ent is the first one in a new pat­ent fam­ily called Mul­tilay­er Cap, and describes a pro­cess for cre­at­ing a layered energy stor­age device - e.g. a capa­cit­or - using a met­al-insu­lat­or-met­al (MIM) struc­ture. This meth­od involves stack­ing con­duct­or-insu­lat­or lay­ers to enhance capa­cit­ance dens­ity, a key fea­ture of Smol­tek's CNF-MIM capa­cit­or technology.

Capa­cit­ance dens­ity is one of the most import­ant KPIs of our CNF-MIM capa­cit­or tech­no­logy. In this new pat­ent, we pro­pose a tech­nique that doubles or triples the capa­cit­ance dens­ity through an innov­at­ing multi-lay­er structure.

Far­z­an Ghavanini, CTO at Smoltek.

The inven­tion relates to met­al-insu­lat­or-met­al (MIM) elec­tro­stat­ic and/​or elec­tro­chem­ic­al energy stor­age devices, includ­ing capa­cit­ors and bat­ter­ies. It intro­duces a meth­od for cre­at­ing a car­bon nan­ofiber (CNF) based, mul­tilay­er MIM struc­ture, where elec­trodes and dielec­trics are sequen­tially layered. This innov­at­ive approach of stack­ing con­duct­or-insu­lat­or lay­ers is developed to increase the capa­cit­ance dens­ity and hence is con­sidered import­ant for Smol­tek busi­ness and technology.

The pat­ent applic­a­tion includes two inde­pend­ent claims: A device claim, which out­lines the stacked mul­tilay­er capa­cit­or struc­ture hav­ing altern­at­ing con­duct­or-insu­lat­or lay­ers. And a meth­od claim which details the fab­ric­a­tion pro­cess of such device using con­form­al coat­ing on the CNFs.

Smoltek's pat­ent port­fo­lio now glob­ally com­prises 90 gran­ted pat­ents. Read more about our IP and pat­ents.