Village of Roselle, IL

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 10:18

Snow Season FAQs

What streets does the Village plow?

State and county agencies handle most of the main roads running through Roselle: Lake Street, Gary Avenue, Irving Park Road, Roselle Road, and Nerge Road.

Public Works plows over 70 miles of roadways and approximately 135 cul-de-sacs in Roselle. The Village is responsible for plowing most residential areas and side streets, except for those managed by some local homeowners associations. Learn more about how Public Works responds to snow events.

How can I report plowing issues?

Visit to report streets in need of plowing or salt, plow damage to the right of way, or mailbox damage.

When do parking restrictions take effect after snowfall?

Parking is prohibited on ALL streets when there is a snowfall of 2 inches or more. It is strongly recommended that when a winter storm has been forecast, no vehicle should be parked on the street to avoid emergency parking restrictions on all Village streets.

How should I manage my driveway and sidewalks after snowfall?

The Village of Roselle encourages all residents to clear snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to your property. Shovel snow with the direction of traffic and try to make a pocket on the opposite side of the driveway. By doing so, snow that is plowed by trucks will be dumped into that pocket and is less likely to be plowed back onto driveway aprons.

Shoveling, dumping, plowing and blowing snow onto streets and public sidewalks is a violation of local ordinances. Snow that is re-deposited on Village streets and sidewalks can cause hazardous conditions for both motorists and pedestrians. Please clear the sidewalks of snow, especially for children walking to school. Clear snow around fire hydrants so they are visible for firefighters.