APIC - Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 23:12

APIC Establishes Research Priorities to Advance Infection Prevention Field

New research agenda marks launch of APIC's Center for Research, Practice & Innovation (CRPI)

Arlington, Va., September 26, 2024 - The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), representing the nation's infection preventionists (IPs), today announced its comprehensive, cross-disciplinary research agenda, the first time the group has embarked on IP-led research into the topics that are most important to the field of frontline infection prevention professionals.

In a report titled, "Research Gaps Impacting the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control," APIC's newly established Center for Research, Practice & Innovation (CRPI) outlined a wide array of topics crucial to advancing the practice of infection prevention and control.

"We are excited to introduce our new research priorities to advance the infection prevention and control field. Through this ambitious agenda, we hope to improve our understanding of effective strategies to minimize disease transmission, prevent healthcare-associated infections, and save lives," said 2024 APIC President, Tania Bubb, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC.

The Center for Research, Practice & Innovation's initial research priorities include:

  • Determining optimal IP staffing models
  • Improving hand hygiene collection practices
  • Exploring the relationship between health equity and healthcare-associated infections
  • Determining drivers for IP attrition and burnout

The APIC research agenda outlines opportunities for partner organizations with infection prevention interests and goals. Through CRPI, APIC seeks to partner with other organizations and institutions with infection prevention and patient safety interests to help fill research gaps and align IPC research based on the priorities APIC has put forward.

"This is the most expansive research agenda APIC has ever developed, and it is the first agenda built around the needs of working IPs," said APIC CEO Devin Jopp, EdD. "We look forward to working with others in the infection prevention and control industry to fill knowledge gaps, inform infection prevention practice, and equip our IP workforce for the challenges of the future."

APIC's research agenda is the result of a year-long process involving an expert advisory panel summit, member feedback and surveys, and input from multiple key organizations and associations whose work involves infection prevention and control.

About CRPI

APIC's Center for Research, Practice, and Innovation (CRPI) aims to transform the practice of infection prevention and control by uniting scientists and practitioners to answer leading research questions and translate findings to improve practice and outcomes.

About APIC

Founded in 1972, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is the leading association for infection preventionists and epidemiologists. With more than 15,000 members, APIC advances the science and practice of infection prevention and control. APIC carries out its mission through research, advocacy, and patient safety; education, credentialing, and certification; and fostering development of the infection prevention and control workforce of the future. Together with our members and partners, we are working toward a safer world through the prevention of infection. Join us and learn more at apic.org.

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Media contacts: Aaron Cohen, [email protected], 301-633-6773; Liz Garman, [email protected], 202-454-2604