12/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/18/2024 08:59
Dec. 18, 2024
Contact: Heather Ellzey
Environmental Educator
Recycling and Trash Collection
Helpful holiday trash, recycling information
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - During the holiday season, managing extra trash can be a challenge. Here are some friendly reminders for Fayetteville residents from the Recycling and Trash Collection (RTC) Division, as well as some helpful tips to reduce waste and avoid extra charges.
Recycling and extra holiday trash: The City of Fayetteville operates a pay-as-you-throw trash program. Recycling as much as possible will help reduce your trash bill while keeping trash volumes low. To learn what is recyclable in Fayetteville, go to: https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/whatcanirecycle.
Each year, residents with curbside service receive four extra trash bag pick-ups to use throughout the year. Once these have been used, households will be charged $8.39 for each additional bag pick-up. Carts with an open lid due to extra trash bags count as an extra bag and will incur a charge for each occurrence.
Two recycling bins are available for each curbside customer at no charge. Please contact RTC at 479-575-8398 to replace a bin or purchase an additional one. Please do not place decorated gift wrap, ribbons, plastic bags, aluminum foil or baking tins in recycling bins.
Christmas tree composting: Christmas trees will be picked up the same day as recycling and trash collections through January 2025. Please allow ample space around the trash cart and recycling bin for ease of collection. No artificial trees will be collected for composting. Residents can bring trees to the City's composting facility (1708 S. Armstrong Ave.) free of charge during normal operating hours: Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., as well as the first Saturday of each month 8 a.m. - noon. All trees must be free from all plastic bags, stands, decorations, lights and tinsel before they will be collected/dropped off.
Holiday food-waste composting: Food waste can be collected and composted year-round through the City's compost and food waste program. Residents are encouraged to collect their food waste and bring it to one of the City's food waste drop-off locations. For the list of Fayetteville's five food waste drop-off locations - all locations are open 24 hours a day - visit: https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/foodwaste.
Also, the City is piloting a residential curbside food waste collection program. To learn more, including how to sign up, visit: https://fayetteville-ar.gov/foodwastepickup.
Wrapping paper: The City's recycling markets do not accept wrapping paper contaminated with tape, glitter, etc. Please only recycle clean paper - free from any type of contamination.
Light strand recycling: The City accepts light strands for recycling year-round at both the Marion Orton Recycling Center (735 W. North St.) and Happy Hollow Recycling Drop-off (1420 S. Happy Hollow Rd.).
Electronics recycling: Boston Mountain Solid Waste District (BMSWD) will be recycling electronics for FREE from Thursday, Dec. 26, to Saturday, Jan. 4. Acceptable electronics include: computers, printers, copiers, phones, stereos, televisions, fax machines, cables, shredders, microwaves, DVD and VCR players, video game consoles, satellite receivers and handheld devices.
Electronics can be dropped off at the BMSWD facility (11398 Bond Rd., Prairie Grove), which is open 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday to Friday and Saturday 8-11 a.m.
Cardboard recycling: Boxes must be broken down and should be placed under your curbside recycling bins. Pizza boxes are acceptable without crusts and other non-cardboard contents.
For a list of helpful tips to reduce waste everyday, go to: https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/3738/Waste-NotUse-Less.
Annual RTC holiday schedules can be viewed at https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/holidayschedule. For more information, call 479-575-8398 or visit: https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/recycling.