Jenniffer González-Colón

07/13/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Statement by Jenniffer González on the attack against President Trump

"More than an attack on a candidate, this is an attack on the most basic essence of American democracy.

It is unacceptable that an attempt is made on the life of any candidate, for the mere fact of having ideological differences. That is what freedom of expression enshrined in our First Amendment is all about, the right to differ ideas without being persecuted or attacked for it.

Although the details of this attack are not yet known, we pray to God that the apparent injury that President Trump received is not serious and that he can recover and continue his political aspiration as he has the perfect right to do.

"Our president, as well as all elected officials, are chosen in democratic elections and we cannot tolerate violent attempts to attack the lives of candidates; these acts are the antithesis of the basic foundations under which our Nation was founded," expressed Jenniffer González Colón who will attend the Republican Party Convention this week.

"I also want to extend my sincere appreciation to the Secret Service and law enforcement for their courageous and prompt response" concluded Gonzalez Colón.
