SEPTA - Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 10:01

See Tracks? Think Train® Week

Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) is a national nonprofit that focuses on rail safety education. Together with the U.S. Department of Transportation and other organizations - they observe Rail Safety Week (RSW) annually. Rail Safety Week - now called See Tracks? Think Train® Week (ST3Week) - is a dedicated week that aims to educate people about rail safety and emphasizes the importance of making safe choices when around railroad tracks and trains. This collaborative effort involves Operation Lifesaver Inc., State Operation Lifesaver Programs, and rail safety partners across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The name change to See Tracks? Think Train® Week (ST3Week) better reflects the purposes of the week-long observance:

In 2023, there were 2,192 highway-rail grade crossing collisions in the U.S. resulting in 247 fatalities and 766 injuries. Approximately 84% of these collisions occurred in specific states. Every three hours - a person or car is struck by a train in the United States. More than 60% of collisions occur at crossings equipped with lights and/or gates.

  • - Preventing railroad crossing and trespass incidents across North America
    - Concentrating public attention on the need for rail safety education

SEPTA is reminding riders and anyone else walking or traveling near the system about the dangers of standing too close to train tracks and the importance of being aware of their surroundings.

There are many benefits to taking public transit such as enjoying pastimes like browsing and listening to your favorite music without having to keep your eyes on the road. Even though you are not the one behind the wheel - it is still important to be alert as certain distractions can be deadly.

Main Points:

  • Trains can run on any track and in any direction at any time. Also - don't assume that trains only run according to a published schedule.
  • Do not think you think you can listen for the sound of a train to know when to clear the tracks - today's trains aren't loud. Electric vehicles and welded rails mean trains no longer make a clickety-clack noise. You won't know the train is coming until it's too late to get out of the way.
  • SEPTA's trains can weigh one million pounds and it takes a considerable distance for one to come to a complete stop even when traveling at a moderate speed. It takes the average freight train traveling at 55MPH more than a mile-the length of 18 football fields-to stop. Trains cannot stop quickly enough to avoid a collision.
  • At railroad grade crossings, closing gates, warning bells and flashing lights indicate that the train - or trains in multiple track territory - is approaching and has the right of way.
  • Trains have the right of way 100% of the time over emergency vehicles, cars, the police, and pedestrians.

Walking near SEPTA:

  • Whether you are driving or walking - always be alert for vehicles crossing the street.
  • Walking along the track right of way or crossing the tracks is trespassing. It could be a fatal mistake.
  • Stay alert. Approaching trains and trolleys can be very quiet - especially when there is snow on the ground - or the weather is damp.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Approaching trains and trolleys can seem to appear suddenly if you're listening to music with a headset or ear buds or when you're on your phone.
  • Know that a moving train or trolley can't steer out of the way of an object or person.

For those waiting to ride:

  • Do not run for buses, trains, trolleys or attempt to board a moving vehicle. Passengers could be seriously injured or even killed if they fall into or under vehicles.
  • Do not stand or lean into the path of an incoming vehicle. Always stand at least a few feet away from the bus lanes or the train, trolley, or subway tracks.
  • Do not put your hand, pocketbook, umbrella, or any other object in the closing door of a train, bus or trolley.
  • Look before boarding or exiting a bus or trolley. On certain routes - where the streets are wide enough - cars may try to pass a stopped trolley or bus.
  • Regarding routes with center island platforms: always enter and exit the island from the proper locations. Be sure to access the islands only when the pedestrian light is green and hold children's hands when crossing the street.
  • Operators and Engineers will occasionally pass-up riders if a vehicle is full. SEPTA cannot allow additional passengers to board a vehicle if doing so will cause unsafe riding conditions.

Safety On-Board Vehicles:

  • When traveling with children - please remain extra vigilant during your ride. When exiting the vehicle - always hold the child's hand and escort them on and off the vehicle.
  • Keep personal belongings with you at all times while traveling on our buses, subways, trolleys, and trains. Before boarding or exiting one of our vehicles - please take a moment to make certain you have all your possessions, including any briefcases, purses, backpacks, packages or suitcases.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Most riders use the same travel pattern each day and become very familiar with stations, vehicles, employees and fellow riders. Be alert for suspicious people or objects. Most - of course are harmless - but if you are genuinely concerned calmly inform a Transit Police or uniformed SEPTA employee. Never confront a suspicious person or touch a suspicious object.
  • If there is an emergency - call 911 immediately. There are also emergency call boxes on board trains that will connect you to the operator, and we urge all riders to download the Transit Watch App whenever you see someone is distraught and in distress. You can also contact SEPTA Transit Police with a simple text message to (215) 234-1911.

In addition to reminding the public about safe travel practices - SEPTA also has signs posted throughout the system with information about suicide prevention. If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide - we encourage you to call or text the NEW National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 at any time for free.

SEPTA's number one concern will always be YOUR safety. We are committed to delivering safe, reliable and accessible service. For more information about SEPTA safety and to download PDFs of safety tips for all SEPTA modes, click here.