European External Action Service

09/13/2024 | News release | Archived content

Chair of the EU Military Committee at Salzburg Summit 2024


Chair of the EU Military Committee at Salzburg Summit 2024

From 24 to 26 July, the Chair of the EU Military Committee (CEUMC), General Robert Brieger, participated in the Salzburg Summit 2024 organised by the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).

© European Union, 2024

The CEUMC contributed to the European security and defence perspectives and to the discussions on "Unlocking Europe's Potential", which was also the motto and theme of the three-day conference.

The consequences of the war in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and the global pandemic have challenged governments and societies across Europe. Europe has the ambition and courage to bring about lasting change and shape a more sustainable future in the midst of uncertainty.

This year's edition of the Salzburg Summit focused on the economic and technological transformation that is crucial to unlock Europe's potential. The aim was to discuss and address trends, developments and the outlook at European and global level.