European Parliament

07/23/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Funding the restoration of Europe’s cultural heritage

Funding the restoration of Europe's cultural heritage


Question for written answer E-001400/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Catherine Griset (PfE)

In 2019, Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral suffered a serious fire, sending shock-waves throughout the world. It also reminded us of the fragility of our historical and religious heritage.

Of France's 50 000 religious buildings,15 000 are listed or registered as historic monuments. Around 3 000 of them - 75% of these churches and chapels - are in a parlous state, particularly in small rural communities with fewer than 3 000 inhabitants.

Aside from their cultural value, churches are of great value for aesthetic, historical, heritage and tourism-related reasons.

To provide financial help for rural communities and the local, fixed heritage renovation industry, the European Union is funding restoration projects via the ERDF and EAFRD programmes[1]. The EIB also provides loans to local authorities for this purpose.

Would the Commission be willing to:

  • 1.Use other funds, such as Horizon Europe or Creative Europe, to finance the restoration of this heritage?
  • 2.Fund programmes in the Member States to list and classify such monuments?
  • 3.Consider a tax-exempt European cultural heritage lottery along similar lines to the one in France?

Submitted: 23.7.2024

  • [1] Links between the rural economy and development actions ('Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale')