Inovalon Holdings Inc.

04/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/01/2024 10:27

From Insight to Impact: Using Real-World Data to Drive Above Brand Strategy

Healthcare continues to shift from volume to value. In a dynamic, competitive market, life sciences commercial and market access teams are continually seeking differentiated ways of engaging with payers and organized providers and effectively demonstrating therapeutic value.

The essence of above brand strategy

Traditionally, market access strategies have been product-focused, with the primary goals being to secure affordable patient access, drive brand volume, and optimize the deployment of commercial investments (e.g., rebates). In more recent years, the healthcare system has placed an increased emphasis on value, seeking to provide patients with more efficient and effective healthcare with clear long-term benefits.

In order to keep up with the evolving landscape, life sciences need to explore novel and differentiated approaches to effectively collaborate with payer and provider customers at a therapeutic area-level

An effective above brand strategy involves a holistic assessment of the disease area, including both therapeutic and economic factors. Additionally, social drivers of health (SDOH) can strongly influence the benefit of a therapy for a specific population of patients. Above brand strategy aims to create a mutually beneficial solution for all stakeholders and transcends traditional product-focused tactics by addressing broader healthcare challenges.

By leveraging robust sources of real-world data (RWD) and applying innovative analytics strategies, life sciences organizations can better understand the U.S. healthcare landscape and expand their capabilities to provide above brand value to payers and providers, driving meaningful initiatives that improve patients' lives through more efficient and effective delivery of care.

The value of real-world data

RWD refers to the data collected from sources outside of traditional clinical research settings, such as electronic health records, insurance claims, patient registries, and wearable devices. This data is crucial in the healthcare sector because it provides insights into patient behavior, treatment outcomes, and healthcare practices in real-life scenarios. The significance of RWD lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive view of the patient experience across diverse populations and healthcare settings, which traditional clinical trials often cannot offer. This breadth of data helps healthcare stakeholders, including regulators, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies, make better-informed decisions that enhance patient care and optimize treatment protocols.

Life sciences commercial teams rely heavily on RWD to make informed, strategic decisions. RWD provides a factual foundation that supports everything from high-level strategic planning to operational adjustments in real time. For instance, insights derived from RWD allow commercial teams to assess the effectiveness of a therapy in real-world settings, understand market needs, and optimize resource allocation. This data-driven approach ensures that decisions are not only based on theoretical outcomes but are grounded in actual user experiences and real-world effectiveness, leading to more accurate and effective strategies.

The impact of social drivers of health

SDOH are increasingly recognized for their impact on patient care. Factors such as economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and environment, and social and community context can significantly affect the outcomes patients receive.

The strategic incorporation of SDOH data into commercial and market access strategies, including above brand customer engagement, is essential for life sciences organizations aiming to optimize their reach and impact. By understanding the varied social and environmental contexts in which patients live, life sciences organizations can tailor their strategies to better address the non-medical barriers to medication access and adherence. This data-driven approach enables more targeted interventions that can significantly improve patient engagement and outcomes, particularly in underserved or high-risk populations.

Moreover, leveraging SDOH insights helps companies to craft value propositions that resonate more deeply with payers and healthcare providers, demonstrating a commitment to comprehensive patient care and support. As a result, SDOH data not only enhances the effectiveness of health interventions but also strengthens the market positioning of medical products by aligning them more closely with the broader goals of public health and equity.

Leveraging RWD and data analytics to inform commercial strategy

Integrating RWD and SDOH data into commercial strategy allows companies to improve the effectiveness of their products and demonstrate a commitment to addressing health disparities, some of the ways this is accomplished are:

  • Identifying high-risk populations enabling targeted educational and commercial efforts
  • Tailoring therapeutic strategy based on data insights into how healthcare access and socioeconomic status influence treatment efficacy
  • Enhancing customer engagement and improving medication adherence through an understanding of the barriers faced by specific communities and developing programs to boost engagement and compliance that address these barriers
  • Influencing policy and payer engagement using therapeutic area level data
  • Optimizing resource allocation using data to guide the most effective strategy and impact

Opportunities for partnership

The most effective way to leverage RWD insights for commercial strategy, including above brand customer engagement, is to invest in partnerships with companies that can provide access to robust sets of RWD as well as the analysis tools and expertise to effectively use the data. Life sciences organizations seeking to harness these benefits should consider investing in these partnerships earlier rather than later to maximize value.

Leveraging the industry's largest primary source closed claims dataset and extensive in-house expertise, Inovalon's solutions and products empower the life sciences sector with actionable insights that drive decision-making.

With over 500 peer-reviewed publications and the trust of 23 out of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies, we transform disparate data into real-world evidence.

In addition to our rich library of medical and pharmacy claims, Inovalon's SDOH Market Insights solution further powers above brand customer engagement by providing a holistic picture of care delivery and disparities in outcomes with linked claims and SDOH data, with over 50 SDOH variables and 92% fill rate.1

Learn more about Inovalon's advanced data capabilities and offerings to help elevate your above brand strategy by watching our on-demand webinar, "Elevating Customer Engagement: Unlocking Superior Above Brand Strategy." We explore how life sciences companies can gain a competitive advantage by prioritizing strategies and capabilities "above the brand" while simultaneously driving sustainable enhancements in patient outcomes and healthcare quality.

Let's work together to discover insights to inform strategies and execute initiatives that will drive improved health access and outcomes for patients everywhere.


  1. Inovalon links between 85-95% of total unique patient lives with SDOH data.

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