Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth of Ireland

04/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/24/2024 03:51

Stakeholder Engagement National Early Learning and Childcare Agency

The Department will conduct meaningful consultation throughout the design process which will be in line with the three principles of consultation laid out in the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform's (DPENDER) Consultation Principles & Guidance (2016), specifically that:

1) Consultation is genuine, meaningful, timely, balanced and with the ultimate objective of leading to better outcomes and greater understanding by all involved of the benefits and consequences of proceeding with particular policy or legislation proposals;

2) Consultation is targeted at and easily accessible to those with a clear interest in the policy in question; and that

3) Systematic efforts should be made to ensure that interested and affected parties have the opportunity to take part in open consultations at all stages of the policy process on significant policy, services and legislative matters.

DCEDIY is undertaking a co-design process with key stakeholders relating to the design of the new national early learning and childcare agency to ensure a wide range of stakeholders have the opportunity to input their views into the design process. This forms part of DCEDIY's commitment to work in partnership with the ELC and SAC sector in the design of this new agency for the ultimate benefit of children, their families, providers, practitioners and educators.

This collaborative approach will:

  • allow stakeholders an opportunity to provide valuable input, lend their expertise and experience;
  • enable DCEDIY to ensure that different perspectives are captured throughout the design process;
  • ensure that the strengths of the existing model are reflected in the design of the new agency.

In December 2023 the first of a series of stakeholder consultation sessions commenced, attended by Pobal and City/County Childcare Committee managers, staff and board members along with the members of the Early Learning and Childcare Stakeholder Forum. Engagement with a wide range of stakeholders will continue as a key feature of this reform programme