
Asian Agri Group

10/26/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/27/2021 03:23

Asian Agri Respons to Greenpeace Report

Jakarta, 26 October 2021 -This is in response to Greenpeace accusation on their report regarding "Illegal palm oil wiping out Indonesia's national forest" that a number of companies which are a member of RSPO have illegally located their plantation in the conservation forest area and one of those companies mentioned was PT Inti Indosawit Subur under Asian Agri group.

Specifically, we want to clarify that PT Inti Indosawit Subur under Asian Agri group is a company that operates legally and we always ensure that all of our plantations operate in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Asian agri also committed to the highest level of sustainability throughout our operations and supply chain. We have guided by the triple-bottom-line principle, which are committed to be a company that is reliable, responsible and sustainable in producing quality palm oil and their derivative products.

The basic food packages comprised 5 kilograms of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1 box of tea powder and instant noodles. The delivery of the basic food packages took place at CitraRaya City The International Lifestyle Jl. Raya Boulevard Blok A10 No. 07 Mendalo Darat, and was facilitated by Atiek Endang Kusdarwati, Senior Manager HRD Jambi region, Asian Agri.

Also present at the hand-over event were Manager of SSL Plantation Jambi region, Liharman Purba, Head of UPTD Center for Wasnaker Region I Jambi Province, Dodi Haryanto Parmin; Head of Norma J3, Syamsul Bahri, Labor Inspector UPTD Wasnaker Wilayah 1, Irwan Saputra Pulungan; and Labor Inspector of UPTD Wasnaker Wilayah I, Ilhamnur.

In line with our wider vision, purpose and core values, we developed a Sustainability Policy to strategically position sustainable business practices at the core of our operations. Our Policy also sets out our commitments to "No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation" - or NDPE. As a palm oil grower and miller, we believe that maintaining these high standards - which also extend to all our companies and smallholders - is crucial for us to be a reliable, responsible and sustainable producer of quality palm oil.

Most of Asian Agri's operating units are established in degraded areas with relatively low biodiversity values. However, Asian Agri's operating units are also established based on concessions officially granted by the government and still pay attention to areas that require protection. At Asian Agri's plantations, some areas are set aside to preserve protected and endangered species. This area includes wildlife habitats, riparian zones and areas of high cultural importance to local communities. To ensure this conservation policy is running well, we have a special team that oversees High Conservation Values.

We are also committed to conserve the existing biodiversity, riparian and HCV areas of importance to social and cultural values of communities which are within our own and our scheme smallholders' plantations. We have conducted HCV assessments for all of our own plantations as well as the plasma plantations. The assessments were done by RSPO accredited assessors and were peer-reviewed by independent assessors. Currently, Asian Agri is focusing on intensification of our existing plantations, rather than development of new areas.

We have been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2006. Our Plasma smallholder plantations in Riau & Jambi provinces have been 100% RSPO certified. All its owned plantations and those owned by scheme smallholders have been ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) certified since 2014. In 2019, the company also achieved 100% ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification.

At Asian Agri, we believe that smallholders also play a key part in the development of our industry and our business. Improving their capabilities will secure a reliable supply of palm oil in Indonesia. To that end, we have established the One to One Partnership Commitment in which we adopt one hectare of a smallholder-owned plantation for every hectare of the company's plantation. To date Asian Agri partners with more than 30,000 smallholders, bringing about positive impact on their quality life and the sustainable palm oil management in Indonesia.

To completed our commitment to sustainability, we have formed a program namely FFVP. It is a community-focused program that seeks to prevent fires rather than fighting or suppressing them after they have already started. By working with villagers in Indonesia, the program enables, empowers and incentivizes villagers to cease land burning practices. We are also a member of Fire Free Alliance, working with other companies, NGOs and government to prevent fire in Indonesia.

As mentioned earlier, Asian Agri is a company that has a high commitment to sustainability, including a strict "no burn" policy since 1994 and best practices in sustainable plantation management. We have helped our smallholder partners improve productivity, yield and supply chain traceability, while assisting them obtain certifications.

Should you need more detail information, you can refer to our latest Sustainability Report that you can access here.