World Bank Group

07/16/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2021 21:23

Global Partnership for Education approves grant to help advance education reform in Haiti

WASHINGTON, July 4, 2021 - The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) on June 22,approved a US$16.5 million grant to help advance education reform in Haiti through the Promoting an Efficient Education System in Haiti Project. This effort aims to improve Haiti's Ministry of Education's planning and regulatory functions and the learning assessment system. To implement this project, the Government of Haiti is supported by the World Bank, acting as grant agent.

'GPE's support to strengthen education in Haiti is more critical than ever, as the impacts of the pandemic increase the risk of school dropouts,' said Alice Albright, GPE Chief Executive Officer. 'GPE will continue to help make Haiti's education system more resilient and effective so that the most vulnerable girls and boys can go to school and learn.'

'Haiti's access to primary education has improved in recent years, however, these gains are at risk of being lost due to the combined impacts of the socio-political crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic,' said Laurent Msellati, World Bank Country Manager for Haiti.'Investment in strengthening the management of the education sector will be a key driver of development, one of the strongest pathways to a resilient recovery and will help protect the human capital of Haiti's children.'

According to the 2020 Human Capital Index, a child in Haiti who starts school at age four will typically complete 11.4 years of school by age 18, but factoring in what children learn, the expected years of school are only 6.1 years. Recognizing the urgency of ensuring access to a quality basic education, the Government of Haiti developed the Ten-Year Education Sector Plan, which prioritizes governance; access and equity; and quality and relevance.

The Promoting an Efficient Education System in Haiti Project will support the implementation of this plan by strengthening the planning capacity of the Ministry of Education to support evidence-based decision-making processes. The project will also support improvement of the learning assessment system to monitor and improve learning outcomes. In addition, the project will support the development of learning standards for primary education and set goals for student learning.

About the Global Partnership for Education

GPE is a shared commitment to ending the world's learning crisis. It is the only global partnership and fund dedicated entirely to helping children in lower-income countries get a quality education, so they can unlock their potential and contribute to building a better world.

With nearly 20 years' experience helping partner countries to get more girls and boys in school and learning, GPE convenes teachers, civil society, donors, United Nations agencies, development banks, businesses and philanthropists behind partner country leadership to finance and support solutions so that no child is left behind.

Last Updated: Jul 04, 2021